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Page Accident Insurance Account .. • • • • Actuary's Branch .. .. • • • ■ " Additions to Open Lines .. • ■ • • * ; Adjustment Commissions .. • • _ • • 84 Administration and Management —Debt Services .. 10 Agriculture .. .. • • • • Agriculture — „ Miscellaneous Services .. •• ' ill Payments under Statutes .. • • " o Amortization .. • • Animal Research Division, Department of Agnculture .. . • ■ ■ • ■ ioq Assistance towards Mining .. • • • • Audit Department .. • • • • Bananas, Export of, from Samoa .. ■ • 5* Bankruptcy .. . • ■ • • • ■ • ' Bellamy's .. .. • • • • " . Broadcasting Account Canberra, High Commissioner .. • • • • 26 Carriage of Mails by Railway .. • • • • - J -- Census and Statistics .. .. • • " ,„ . Child Welfare ™ Civil Engineering, Transport Department . ■ 14/ Civil List .. • • ■ ■ • • " 9i Clerk of Executive Council .. . • oak Commercial Broadcasting .. • • • • 245 Conveyance of Inland Mails .. . • •• 22 z Conveyance of Ocean and Air Mails .. • • 221 Cook and other Islands .. • • • • J™ Coroners .. .. ■ • • • "179 Country Library Service .. • • " H Court of Review .. . • • ■ 84 Criminal Prosecutions .. • • "no Crown Law Office .. •. • • "00 Customs : Miscellaneous Services .. . • £3 Customs Offices and Services Dairy Division, Department of Agriculture .. 108 Dairy Industry Account .. • • • • 236 Debt Repayment .. • • • • • • Debt Services .. . • • • "too Departmental: Public Works .. ' Department of Island Territories .. • • 53 Depreciation Fund, Post Office Account .. - ■ 223 Development of Tourist Resorts .. ■ • 120 Development of Water-power .. .. • • 200 Dominion Laboratory .. • • "Iqi Dominion Observatory .. • • .. 134 Education Buildings .. .. • • • • 175 Education Department: Head Office .. .. 162 Education : Miscellaneous Services .. .. 173 Education of the Blind .. .. •• 169 Electoral .. .. •• •• •• ™ Electric Supply Account .. • • • • -00 Elementary Education .. . • .. 163 Emergency Benefits .. .. •• ..180 Employment Promotion .. ■ ■ • - 67 Enforcement, Transport Department .. • ■ I+6 Exchange .. .. ■ • • • "la Explosives Branch .. •. • • • ■ j8 Export of Bananas from Samoa .. ■ ■ 54 External Affairs .. .. • • .. 23 Fields Division, Department of Agriculture .. 109 Fisheries .. .. ■ • • • " Ino Flaxmilling .. .. ■ • • • • • Forestry .. .. • • • • ■ • 204 Friendly Societies Department .. .. ... 181 Fruit Industry Account .. ■ • ■ • 243 General Assembly Library .. .. 16 General Expenses, Legislative Departments .. 19 Geological Survey Branch .. .. . ■ 135 Government Accident Insurance Account .. 235 Government Actuary's Branch . . .. 28 Government Insurance Account .. ■ • 231

Page 17 Hansard .. • • • • • ■ Harbours .. -• ® Harbour Works and Lighthouses .. • • 194 Health, Departmei tof .. •• " ta High Commissioner's Office, Canberra .. • ■ 2b High Commissioner's Office, London .. 24 High Commissioner's Office, Ottawa .. ■ • 25 Higher Education .. .. •• 1' ' Highways .. .. • • • • jj. Horticulture Division, Department of Agriculture.. 107 Hospital Benefits .. . • ■ ■ I® B House of Representatives .. " iqi Housing Construction.. .. •• ..191 Immigration.. .. •• • • , •• () ® Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity . • 114 Inquests .. .. • • • • "fit Inspection of Machinery .. • • • • °1 Insurance, Government Accident Account .. *oo Insurance, Government Life Account .. • • 231 Insurance, State Fire Account .. • • • • 233 Interest .. .. • • • • " aa Internal Affairs Department .. .. • • 44 Internal Affairs : Miscellaneous .. " o f, Internal Marketing Account .. .. •• 241 Iron and Steel Industry Account .. • • 247 Irrigation Works, Maintenance of .. . • 185 Irrigation, Water-supply, and Drainage .. .. 199 Island Territories, Department of .. • ■ 53 Justice and Prisons Department .. • • 82 Justice : Miscellaneous Services .. ■ • 85 Kauri Gum .. .. • • • • • ■ 198 Labour Department .. .. • • Land and Deeds Registry .. • • • • 38 Land and Income Tax Department .. • • 35 Land for Settlements .. .. ■ ■ .. 101 Lands and Survey Department .. • ■ 95 Lands and Survey : Miscellaneous Services .. 97 Lands Improvement : Lands, Miscellaneous .. 198 Law Drafting Office .. .. • • J ® Legislative Council .. .. • • • • j* Legislative : General Expenses .. • • 19 Lighthouses .. .. • • • • ® Lighthouses and Harbour Works .. • • 194 Linen-flax Development .. ■ • .. 121 Live-stock Division, Department of Agriculture .. 106 Loans Redemption Account .. .. • • 9 Magistrates' Courts .. • • • ■ .. 84 Magnetic Observatory .. • • • • 135 Main Highways Account .. ■. • • 202 Maintenance of Post and Telegraph Buildings and Sites .. . • • ■ • • • • 224 Maintenance of Public Buildings .. • • 183 Maintenance of Public Works and Services .. 183 Maintenance of Public Works and Services: Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. ■ • 186 Maintenance and Repairs to Roads .. • • 185 Maintenance of Irrigation Works .. •. 185 Maintenance of Unopened Railway Lines .. 186 Maintenance of Telephone-exchange, Toll, Telegraph, and Wireless Systems .. .. 223 Manpower .. .. • ■ • • .. 81 Marine Department .. .. .. .. 57 Material and Stores —Education .. .. 171 " Maui Pomaro," N.Z.G.M.V. .. .. 54 Maternity Benefits .. .. • • • • 157 Meat Industry Account .. . • ■ • 238 Medical Benefits .. .. • • .. 157 Mental Hospitals .. .. -. • • 159 Mercantile Marine .. .. • • 60 Messengers, Office-keepers, and Charwomen .. 47 Mines Department .. .. •• •• 137 Mines : Miscellaneous Services .. .. . • 139 Ministers' Secretaries .. .. .. ~ 47