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Who met at Hot Springs, Virginia, on 18th May, 1943, under the temporary Presidency of The Honorable Marvin Jones, Chairman of the Delegation of the United States of America. The Honorable Henrik de Kauffmann, Danish Minister ait Washington, attended_ the sessions in response to an invitation of the Government of the United States to be present in a personal capacity. . Warren Kelchner, Chief of the Division of International Conferences, Department of State oi the United States, was designated, with the approval of the President of the United States, as SecretaryGeneral of the Conference, and Ralph H. Allee, Chief, Division of Latin American Agriculture, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, United States Department of Agriculture, as Assistant SecretaryGeneral. The Honorable Marvin Jones, Chairman of the Delegation of the United States of America, was elected permanent President of the Conference at the Plenary Session held on 18th May, 1943. The Executive Committee of the Conference, composed of the Chairmen of the Delegations, and presided over by the President of the Conference, constituted a Steering Committee of its members composed of the following : — Marvin Jones (U.S.A.), President of the Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai (India). Conference (Chairman). Ali Jawdat- (Iraq). Joao Carlos Muniz (Brazil). Manuel J. Zevada (Mexico). G. S. H. Barton (Canada). M. P. L. Steenberghe (Netherlands). Kuo Ping-wen (China). Alexey I). Krutikov (U.S.S.R.) Richard Law (Great Britain). Branko Cubrilovic (Yugoslavia). The following three members of the Executive Committee served on the Committee on Credentials of the Conference :— J. Rafael Oreamuno (Costa Rica), (Chairman) Anders Fjelstad (Norway). Mohammed Shayesteh (Iran). The Drafting Committee, composed of the Chairman of the Technical Sections and three additional members appointed by the President of the Conference, was constituted as follows under the ex officio chairmanship of the Conference President: — Joao Carlos Muniz (Brazil). Richard Law (Great Britain). G. S. H. Barton (Canada). Hugues Le Gallais (Luxembourg). Kuo Ping-wen (China). Alexey D. Krutikov (U.S.S.R.). Hec-tor David Castro (El Salvador). In accordance with the regulations adopted at the opening Plenary Session, held on 18th May 1943, the Conference was divided into four Technical Sections, with Committees, as follows

SECTION I Consumption Levels and Requirements Chairman : Kuo Ping-wen (China). Vice-Chairman : Manuel J. Zevada (Mexico). Reporter : W. R. Aykroyd (India). Secretary : Frank G. Boudreau (U.S.A.). Assistant Secretary : E. F. Penrose (U.S.A.). Committee 1 Chairman : Karl Evang (Norway). Vice-Chairman : Tsou Ping-wen (China). Vice-Chairman : Miguel Etchenique (Bolivia). Secretary : Hazel K. Stiebeling (U.S.A.). Assistant Secretary : Katherine Bain (U.S.A.). A. Food — 1. Character and extent of consumption deficiencies in each country. 2. Causes and consequences of malnutrition. 3. Reasonable national and international goals for improved food consumption. Committee 2 Chairman : Roberto E. MacEachen (Uruguay). Vice-Chairman : Edouard J. Bigwood (Belgium). Vice-Chairman : J. Manuel Casanueva (Chile). Secretary : Harold A. Vogel (U.S.A.). A. Food— 4. Measures for improving standards of consumption (education, &c.). Committee 3 Chairman : Jos6 Garibaldi Dantas (Brazil). Vice-Chairman : Cimon P. Diamantopoulos (Greece). Vice-Chairman : Gabriel L. Dennis (Liberia). Secretary : A. W. Palmer (U.S.A.).* B. Other essential agricultural products— 1. Pre-war consumption levels in various countries as influenced by prosperity or depression and by buying power of the population. 2. Reasonable national and international goals for improved consumption with sustained employment and expanded industrial activity. SECTION II Expansion of Production and Adaptation to Consumption Needs Chairman : Alexey D. Krutikov (U.S.S.R.). Vice-Chairman : Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai (India). Reporter : Murray D. Lincoln (U.S.A.). Secretary : F. F. Elliott (U.S.A.). Assistant Secretary : Clayton Whipple (U.S.A.).

Committee 1 Chairman : G. S. H. Barton (Canada). Vice-Chairman : J. M. Troncoso (Dominican Republic). Vice-Chairman : Yilma Dercssa (Ethiopia). Secretary : Bushrod W. Allin (U.S.A.). A. Measures for direction of production toward commodities, the supply of which should be increased. B. Measures for shifting production out of commodities in chronic surplus. Committee 2 Chairman : Hector David Castro (El Salvador). Vice Chairman : Stefan Krolikowski (Poland). Vice-Chairman : C6sar Garcia Alvarez (Colombia). Secretary : Philip V. Cardon (U.S.A.). C. Measures for improving agricultural productivity and efficiency. Committee 3 Chairman : Joaquin M. Elizalde (Philippine Commonwealth). Vice-Chairman .* Roberto Alamo Ibarra (Venezuela). Vice-Chairman : Paris E. Men6ndez (Paraguay). Secretary : Mark L. Nichols (U.S.A.). D. Measures for development and conservation of agricultural resources. Committee 4 Chairman : E. McCarthy (Australia). Vice-Chairman : Andr6 Liautaud (Haiti). Vice-Chairman : Marcos Carias Reyes (Honduras). Secretary : Conrad Ta-euber (U.S.A.). E. Opportunities for occupational adjustments in agricultural populations. SECTION 111 Facilitation and Improvement of Distribution Chairman : Joao Carlos Muniz (Brazil). Vice-Chairman : Branko Cubrilovic (Yugoslavia). Reporter : G. H. C. Hart (Netherlands). Secretary : Howard S. Piquet (U.S.A.). Committee 1 Chairman : J. P. R. Maud (Great Britain). Vice-Chairman : Jan V. Hyka (Czechoslovakia). Vice-Chairman : Gerardo Klinge (Peru). Secretary : Frank A. Waring (U.S.A.). A. Relation- of national and international economic policies to agricultural problems, with special reference to the facilitation of the movement of agricultural products in commerce — 1. Expansion of international trade. 2. Broad policies for assuring increased production and consumption in general.