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service, sufficient room to house books, and a librarian and local authority willing to carry out the work of exchanges. The system has worked very well in Timaru, Wanganui, Auckland, Palmerston North, Kaikohe, Tokomaru Bay Native School, and Greymouth. The work at Morrinsville centre became too heavy for the librarian in charge, when housing of the books become a problem and the number of schools increased. At Rotorua centre the work was not carried out satisfactorily and it became necessary for the Country Library Service to undertake exchanges itself from its office in Auckland. With the setting-up of the Auckland office it was possible to relieve the Auckland Public Library, which had carried out the work of exchanges very efficiently, from further responsibility. The Tokomaru Bay Native School had carried out exchanges very satisfactorily, but with the transfer of the headmaster the exchange centre was transferred to the Native District High School at Te Araroa. The centre established at Rangiora had to be transferred to the Christchurch office of the Country Library Service because of the inability of the Rangiora Borough Council to obtain the services of a trained librarian. The work of exchanges for three South Island centres is now being carried out direct from the Christchurch office of this Service. Extra books to help in the process of making exchanges have been allotted to libraries which have helped in the work ; in some cases it is found that the number is insufficient to allow the library to have any use of the children's books, and accordingly extra loans of books have been made. No cash payment for any of the valuable services rendered has been made. Numerous expressions of appreciation for this revolutionary innovation in New Zealand school library practice have been received, and it is hoped that supplies of books sufficient to allow the Service to be maintained and increased will continue to be obtained. Develoi'MßNT of the Service It is hoped that the full development of the Service, which has had to wait during the war years, will not be delayed when peace comes and reconstruction is undertaken. Plans to provide for the extension of library service to all country people, profiting both from the lessons learned here in the past five years, and from similar work abroad, will be prepared and submitted to you at the earliest favourable time. I have, &c., G. T. Alley, Director.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (551 copies), £11.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1943.

I'rict 3d.)