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Finance. The attached Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account, and Balance-sheet give full details regarding the year's transactions, from which the salient costs and graph have been compiled : —

Costs to Wholesale Markets.

Per-caso Basis. £ £ s. d. Growers' production .. .. .. 342,085 Growers' packing, &c. .. .. .. 400,250 742,335 5 7-27 Freights.. .. .. .. .. 175,659 Wharfages .. .. .. .. 12,843 188,502 1 5-08 * Selling-costs .. .. .. .. .. 148,973 1 1-50 Storage .. .. .. .. .. 83,704 Insurance .. .. .. .. 77 Repacking, &c. .. .. . . .. 7,025 90,806 0 8-23 I.M.D. costs — Assembly 21,830 Overhead .. .. .. .. 35,991 57,821 0 5-24 Total costs .. .. .. £1,228,437 9 3-32 * The Is. l£d. assessed for selling-costs covers commission, receiving, delivery, and cartage on a wholesale price to cover all costs. Actual local market returns averaged 4s. 6Jd. net, which represents a wholesale price of ss. 3d. and selling-costs of BJd. per case. During the operation of the past two years the Division has been able to compile statistics regarding production and marketing, information which is invaluable when surveying market and crop possibilities and conditions preparatory to formulating the general market campaign. At the commencement of the scheme in 1940, information of this nature was non-existent, and the Division was heavily handicapped, having to plot a course without a chart. Thanks are due to the staff for its keen co-operation and voluntary effort, often working overtime without compensation in order that this war measure for the fruit industry would prove successful. Now that the information is tabulated it not only forms a chart to guide marketing operations, but also a splendid basis to direct the economic rehabilitation of the industry should the Government and the industry decide upon doing so. In closing, the Division desires to pay special tribute to the National Fruit Marketing Advisory Committee, consisting of Messrs. H. E. Stephens (Chairman), T. C. Brash, A. B. Congdon, F. G. Duncan, D. S. McLeod, F. E. Nottage, R. Paynter, and B. T. Turner. Their advice and close contact with the Division and all its operations has been highly beneficial, and in addition the members have been a liaison between the Division and the industry.