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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 109 of the Land for Settlements Act, 1925. The Land Purchase Controller to the Hon. the Ministeb of Lands. Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, Ist June, 1942. Sir,— I have the honour to submit my report on the land-purchase operations for the year ended 31st March, 1942. During the financial year 1940-41 the Dominion Land Purchase .Board pursued an active policy of land-purchase, and twenty-one properties totalling approximately 31,000 acres were acquired with a view to further development for closer settlement. Unfortunately, the rapid deterioration in the supply position made a cessation of buying necessary. The Department was already facing heavy commitments in connection with the development and farming of the areas which had been acquired previously under the Land for Settlements Act, ] 925, or which had been set apart for the purposes of the Small Farms Act, 1932-33, and it was felt that all available supplies of manure, &c, could be utilized to the best advantage in maintaining these assets. The increasing shortage of suitable labour was another factor which had to be taken into consideration. The Board, nevertheless, continued to investigate any likely offers received, and it would uot have neglected the opportunity of recommending the purchase of any eminently suitable property offered at the " right " price. The only purchase during the year for general settlement was made from R. J. Mulligan, who offered 654 acres for inclusion in the block of properties near Ashburton (now known as the Valetta Settlement), taken over the previous year for development into irrigation units. The purchase-price was £2,500. The other purchases shown in Table C to this report were made to provide additional land for establishing settlers or to square up boundaries. I have, &c, R, G. Maomorran, Land Purchase Controller. The Hon. the Minister of Lands.