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Watson's Block (1,045 Acbes). This was an abandoned section on the top of the range on the Waitomo -Te Anga Eoad. When taken over for development it was totally reverted and was at first handled by the occupier working under the Unemployment Board's scheme 4c. Like a lot of similar areas, it was obvious, without command of control stock at the right periods of the year, that the occupier had little hope of ultimate success, and for this reason the block was added to those undergoing development by the Land Development Branch at Te Kuiti. Work has progressed slowly but steadily, and to-day on 300 acres of grass there will be wintered 465 ewes, 360 dry sheep, and 54 steers. Of the balance of 745 acres, only some 240 acres is suitable for development, and this is gradually being brought in without having recourse to much labour. Whabepapa Block (3,671 Acres). This is one of the areas taken over from the Waikato Land Settlement Society in June, 1938, and is situated in the Wharepuhunga district. The land is light in quality, with here and there areas broken by outcrops of rhyolite. Unlike the other two areas taken over from the Society, no settlement has so far been effected at Wharepapa. Since assuming control the Department has greatly increased the area in grass and reconditioned some 300 acres to 400 acres of older pasture. All the dwellings occupied by the prospective settlers have been renovated and in many cases extended, while each has been provided with hot-water services and other amenities. The roading of the block so that settlement can later proceed has been completed, and a comprehensive water-supply installed. The question of settling portion of the older country at Wharepapa in terms of the agreement entered ito by the Crown is now under review. A groat deal of the block, however, requires further consolidation and improvement to the pastures before settlement could wisely be considered. The stock carried to-day consists of 1,600 ewes, 6,300 dry sheep, 220 breeding-cows, and 450 other cattle.