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8.—7 [FT. ll]



(a) Of the additional amount now required, £3,750 is in respect of the maintenance of dental clinics. Amount based upon a payment of up to £25 per annum for each nurse. £10,000 on Main Estimates, (ib) Represents the amount of contributions previously payable by the local Dental Clinic Committees at the rate of £30 per nurse per annum and which has been discontinued since Ist July, 1.941. (c) Provision for the accommodation, rent, travelling-expenses, and general expenses of additional district nurses. £7,500 on Main Estimates.


I I For Services chargeable on the Public Works Fund — £ continued. £ £ ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. VOTE—HEALTH—continued. Other Charges for and incidental to—continued. Dental Hygiene Administration— Dental Clinics expenses (additional) .. .. .. (a) 3,750 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Grant from N.Z. Crippled Children's Society 250 Recovery from Local Dental Clinic Committees .. .. .. (b) Dr. 4,000 Dr. £3,750 Maori Hygiene AdministrationGeneral expenses (including the establishment of temporary camp hospitals, &c.), (additional) .. .. . , - (c) 1,000 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51, of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) .. £300 7,164 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. 9,141 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. Dr. 3,340 NET TOTAL — 12,481