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8.—7 [Pt. ll].



(a) £900 provided on Main. Estimates. Consequent upon increased demand on the Department's diamond drills, and the fact that some of the present drills should be discarded, another petrol-driven diamond drill and equipment should be purchased. (b) Bulk purchases of miners' tools and general stores are to be made for resale to miners. (c) £3,500 provided on Main Estimates. Repairs and additions to Westport School of Mines, £400, not anticipated when Main Estimates were drafted. (d) Visit to Australia to study electrical installation in Australian colleries and Australian law on the subject.


| Salaries. | Other Charges. Total. | i VOTE—MINES— ! £ £ I £ Subdivision I—Administration .. .. .. .. j .. .. ! j, III -Assistance towards Mining .. .. .. .. 6,900 6,900 IV —Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. 150 150 Gross Total .. .. .. .. j .. 7,050 7,050 Credits-in-aid .. .. 5,000 , 5,000 I NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. | .. 2,050 i 2,050 _J_ I I £ £ £ For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — continued. ORDINARY REVENUE AOOOUNT—continued I VOTE—MINES. I Subdivision No. I.—Administration Salaries — Administrative Division. £ 1 at £850 (Under-Secretary) .. .. .. 850 Less amount provided on Main Estimates not required 850 Total—Subdivision No I. .. .. .. -■ Subdivision No. III.—Assistance towards Mining. Other Charges for and incidental to — Purchases of diamond drill and equipment (additional) . . (a) 1,500 Purchases of miners' tools and general stores (recoverable), (6) 5,000 Schools of Mines (additional) .. .. .. .. (c) 400 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — Sale of tools and general stores to miners .. £5,000 Total—Subdivision No. Ill .. .. .. 6,900 Subdivision No. IV.—Miscellaneous Services. Other Charges for and incidental to —> Visit of Electrical Inspector of Mines to Australia .. (d) 150 Total —Subdivision No. IV .. .. .. 150 Gross Total .. .. ■ .. 7,050 ! , I Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. 5,000 | ! ! i | NET TOTAL 2,050