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8.—7 [Pt. I].



Minister of Marine. AN ESTIMATE of the Sum that will be required in the Year ending 31st March, 1942, to defray the Salaries, Contingencies, and Expenses of the Marine Department. Summary.

(a) New appointees and transfer of higher-paid officers from district offices.


1941-42. 194041. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Voted. Expended. Vote—Marine— £ £ £ £ £ Subdivision I.—Head Office .. .. 11,390 2,730 14,120 13.221 13,300 II.—Harbours .. .. 1,428 1,822 3,250 3,422 3,038 III.— Lighthouses .. .. 20,127 22,070 42,197 58,880 62,909 IV.—Mercantile Marine . . 12,531 8,968 21,499 20,480 19,469 V.—Inspection of Machinery .. 21,269 5,555 26,824 26,771 26,725 VI.—Fisheries .. .. 10,808 10,380 21,188 25,042 23,709 VII.— Westport Harbour .. 7,082 25,330 32,412 30,471 28,283 (Jitoss Total 84,635 76,855 161,490 178,287 177,433 Ckedits-in-ail. .. .. .. 75 4,525 4,600 5,402 8,648 NET TOTAL .. 84,560 72,330 156,890 172,885 168,785 Number 1QAD 4.1 oi Peraolia - VOTE—MARINE. 1941-42. _ *__~ ' 1941-42 1940 4] Voted. Expended. I Subdivision No. I. — Head Office. ♦Salaries — £ £ £ Administrative Division. 1 1 1 at £1,000.. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 1,000 " Professional Division. 1 1 1 at £91 (also Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Department, £1,309) .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 91 I 10,145 Other Salaries. 38 33 38 (£85 to £665) .. .. .. '.. .. 10,260 9,045 40 35 Lodging-allowances .. .. .. .. .. 29 65 Allowances to officers performing special or higher duties under Public Service Regulations 24a and 209.. .. 10 10 (a) 11,390 10,211 10,145 * For particulars of salaries see " Public Service Classification List."