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8.—7 [PT. I].



(a) Offset by free accommodation granted by the Board to Government Departments. (b) Number of officers, 19, Travelling-allowances, £101 Is, 6d. ; travelling-expenses, £89 Is. ; motorhire, £2 Is.


Number 1940-41. oi Pers "" 3 ' VOTE—INTERNAL AFFAIRS—continued. 1941 42 1 . 1941 42 1940-41 Voted - Expended. Subdivision No. II. —Ministers' Secretaries. £ £ £ Salaries— 26 22 26 (£240 to £665) .. .. .. .. .. 12,955 10,332 A.'owances in addition to classification : 35 Private Secretaries to Ministers at £50 each .. .. 1,750 1,500 Extra classification allowance: 18 (£50 to £165) .. 1,605 1,325 Payment for salary of officer acting as Private }■ 15,763 Secretary — £ Internal Marketing Department .. .. 470 Native Department .. .. .. 335 Post and Telegraph Department .. .. 335 1,140 1,035 _ Total —Subdivision No. II .. .. 17,450 14,192 15,763 Subdivision No. III. —Messengers and Office-cleaners. Salaries — 936 850 936 (£3 to £393) .. .. .. .. .. 180,330 143,793 Payment for Saturday, Sunday, holiday duty, and overtime 600 600 Special allowances to messengers (including allowances to Ministerial messengers) .. .. .. .. 1,310 1,184 Salaries of staff employed in portion of Canterbury Provincial Buildings under control of Canterbury Provincial Buildings Board .. .. .. ■. • ■ • • (a) 200 200 Payment to widows of monetary equivalent of leave due to deceased officers .. .. .. .. 50 50 J> 159,457 Payment to other Departments — £ Post and Telegraph Department .. .. 200 Public Works Department .. .. .. 345 545 779 183,035 146,606 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Salaries, &c. .. .. .. ■■ 50,000 183,035 146,606 159,457 Other Charges for and incidental to — Compassionate grants to widows of deceased officers .. 50 75 Medical attendance for messengers and charwomen, &c., injured on duty .. .. . .. • ■ 15 15 10 Motor cars, cycles, and accessories: Maintenance of (part recoverable) .. .. .. • • • • 200 120 208 Office-cleaning (including upkeep of grounds outside main centres), (part recoverable) .. .. .. .. 5,800 5,200 5,696 Telephone services .. .. .. .. .. 110 100 111 Transfer and removal expenses .. .. .. 75 75 104 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. .. 200 200 (b) 192