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8.—7 [Pt. IJ.



Minister of Internal Affairs. AN ESTIMATE of the Sum that will be required in the Year ending 31st March, 1942, to defray the Salaries and Expenses of the Department of Internal Affairs. Summary.


1941-42. 1940-41. Salaries. Other Charges. | Total. Voted. Expended. £ £ £ £ £ Vote —Internal Affairs — Subdivision I.—Head Office .. .. 43,608 67,145 110,753 112,210 109,169 „ II. — Ministers'Secretaries .. 17,450 .. 17,450 14,192 15763 „ HI.—Messengers and Office-cleaners 183,035 7,555 190,590 153,396 166' 878 IV—High Commissioner's Office.. 33,879 18,873 52,752 50,230 44,392 „ V'.—Explosives Branch .. 4,738 3,848 8,586 8,526 8,140 Sub-total 282,710 97,421 380,131 338,554 344,342 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. 63,385 43,420 106,805 95,149 106,273 Net Subtotal .. .. .. 219,325 54,001 273,326 243,405 238,069 Subdivision VI. — Miscellaneous Services .. 57,683 226,140 283,823 333 046 367 786 Credits-in-aid .. .. 39,940 20,709 60,649 67,827 59,636 Net Total, Subdivision VI .. 17,743 205,431 223,174 265,219 308,150 Gross Total.. 340,393 323,561 663,954 671,600 712,128 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. 103,325 64,129 167,454 162,976 165,909 NET TOTAL.. .. 237,068 259,432 496,500 508,624 546,219 Number Of?erson9 ' VOTE-INTERNAL AFFAIRS. 1941-42. 194(ML Subdivision No. L-Head Office. Voted. Expended. " •Salaries — £ £ £ A dm inistrative Division. 1 I 1 at £1,050 (Under-Secretary) .. .. .. 1,050 1,050 " Non-permanent, 1 1 1 (£950) 950 950 Other Salaries. 152 147 152 (£12 to £665) 40,247 38,103 Allowances to Officers ,. . . ,., . . 34.5 375 y 4J jg$ Lodging-allowances (cadets) . . .. . . . . 121 248 Payment to other Departments— £ Justice .. .. .. . . .. 335 Legislative .. ,. .. .. 330 Post and Telegraph . . .. . , 230 895 1,285 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) £ Salaries, &c. .. .. .. .. 6,000 154 149 43,608 42,011 41,733 * For particulars of salaries see " Public Service Classification List."