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Staff. The need for men for the armed forces depleted the staff of several members. Four joined the overseas forces, and four others spent from three to five months continuously with the Territorial Force undergoing training. Three senior members of the staff resigned to take up other duties in the Dominion. No permanent appointments were made to fill the vacancies created, but steps were taken to fill the posts temporarily and as far as possible with female assistants. Pasteurization and Bottling of Milk for Schools. The Institution has continued to pasteurize and bottle the milk supplied to schools in the Palmerston North district. The Department of Health has borne the cost of this work. Dissemination of Results of Work. As in past years, the research work carried out during the season was reviewed at the Dairy Factory Managers' Week. This took place from 6th to Bth May, 1941. Approximately eighty persons attended this gathering, including dairy factory managers and first assistants and several others connected with the dairy industry. The following technical publications have been issued during the year :—

The following are in the press : —

The Institute is much indebted to the Massey Agricultural College for the use of the college herds, buildings, and plant, and it is desired to express to the Board of Governors the thanks of the Institute for this privilege. It is also desired to acknowledge the ready co-operation afforded by the Dairy Board, by the Directors and staffs of the Dairy Division and Animal Research Division of the Department of Agriculture, the Grasslands Division of the Plant Research Bureau, the Primary Products Marketing Department, and by a number of commercial organizations.


Institute Publication Title. Author. Journal. No. 127 The Action of Chemical Disinfectants on Bacterio- G. J. E. Hunter and J. Dairy Research. phages for the Lactic Streptococci H. R. Whitehead 131 A Note of the Influence of High-temperature Short- W. J. Wiley . . N.Z. Jour. Sci. & Tech. time Pasteurization on the Phosphatase Reaction and Creaming of Milk 132 An Accurate Constant Temperature Bath and Storage R. M. Dolby . . N.Z. Jour. Sci. & Tech. Cabinet for Operation below Room Temperature 133 Studies in the Chemistry of Cheddar Cheesemaking — R.M.Dolby, F. H. J. Dairy Research. VII : The Measurement of the Acidity of Cheese McDowall, and W. and the Relation of Acidity to Grading Score Riddet 134 Causes and Prevention of Foaming of Lactic Casein W. R. Mummery .. N.Z. Jour. Sci. & Tech. 135 Annual Report, 1939-40 137 The Control of Acid Development in Cheddar Cheese- R. M. Dolby making 138 Starter Cultures for Cheese Manufacture: Further H. R. Whitehead and Attempts to eliminate Failures due to Bacteriophage G. J. E. Hunter

Institute Publication Title. Author. No. 136 The Cleaning of Dairy Equipment—Part I : Cleansers for use in Dairy Factories F. H. McDowall. 139 The Organization of a Survey of the Incidence of Mastitis in New Zealand and C. M, Hume. a Field Outfit for the Bromthymol Blue Test for Mastitis 140 Studies on the Detection of Mastitis in New Zealand Milking Herds—II: Factors F. H. McDowall. influencing the Bromthymol Blue Test for Mastitis 141 Studies on the Detection of Mastitis in New Zealand Milking Herds—III: An F. H. McDowall, J. P. Investigation into the Application of the Bromthymol Blue Test for Mastitis James, and A. H. in the Field Ward. 142 Studies on the Detection of Mastitis in Now Zealand Milking Herds—IV : An J. P. James and F. H. Examination of the Hopkirk Assessment and of the Breed Cell Count Method McDowall. of estimating the Leucocyte Content of Milk Samples 14(i The Progress and Present Position of Research on Cheese Starters in New Zealand H. R. Whitehead and G. J. E. Hunter. 147 Cracked Rinds in Cheddar Cheese . . .. .. .. R. M. Dolby. 148 Estimation of Lactose in Milk .. .. .. .. .. .. A. K. R. McDowell. 149 The Rheology of Butter —I: Methods of measuring the Hardness of Butter .. R.M.Dolby. 150 The Rheology of Butter—II : The Relation between Rate of Shear and Shear- R. M. Dolby. ing Stress ; the Effect of Temperature and of Reworking on Hardness and on Structural Viscosity 151 The Rheology of Butter—II I : The Effect of Variation in Buttermaking Con- R. M. Dolby. ditions on the Hardness of the Butter 152 The Relation of Plane of Nutrition to Milk Production and Milk Composition W. Riddet, [. L. in New Zealand—Introduction and Part I : Effect of Subnormal Feeding Campbell, F. H. McDowall, a n d G. A. Cox. 153 The Relation of Plane of Nutrition to Milk Production and Milk Composition W. Riddet, I. L. in New Zealand —Part II : Effect of Subnormal Feeding Campbell, F. H. McDowall, and G. A. Cox. 157 The cleaning of Dairy Equipment—11 : Cleaning Operations in a Dairy Factory F. H. McDowall. 158 On the Origin of Bacteriophages for the Lactic Streptococci . . .. H. R. Whitehead and G. J. E. Hunter.