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Collection of Scrap Metal. The Board initiated a scheme for the collection of scrap metals through schools, and subsequently the administration of this scheme was undertaken by the National Council for the Reclamation of Waste Material. Patriotic Work by Natives in Pacific Islands. A splendid response in money and goods for patriotic purposes has been obtained from the Natives of the Cook Islands. The quality of woollen comforts from this source bears testimony to the care and whole-hearted co-operation of the people in these outlying islands in assisting in the war effort. Balance-sheet. To the end of September, 1940, £758,688, including donations for specific purposes, had been contributed to the National Patriotic Fund. This is additional to the amounts collected by the Provincial Patriotic Councils. The administrative expenses of the Board were 015 per cent. (3s. in each £100) of the total amount received. The administrative expenses include the travelling-expenses of the Board's Overseas Commissioner to England and other items such as stationery, postage, &c. Total disbursements to 30th September, 1940, were approximately £227,000. This figure includes capital expenditure. A considerable proportion of the money spent in New Zealand is of a nonrecurring nature, such as the cost of providing and equipping recreational huts and the provision of sports gear and other standard recreational facilities at camps. At the close of the year preparations were being made for the launching of the £1,000,000 appeal by the various Provincial Patriotic Councils, and Major J. Abel, V.D., had been appointed Honorary Organizer for this appeal. The balance-sheet, together with statements of receipts and payments, income and expenditure, and of donations and administrative costs of the Board and Provincial Patriotic Councils, are attached. Personnel of the Board. During the year the. Board suffered a loss through the death of Colonel J. J. Esson, C.M.G., who had rendered able assistance in the early stages of the Board's activities. The vacancy thus caused was filled by the appointment of Mr. Charles Todd, of Wellington. All the members of the Board are busy men, and their attendance at Board meetings and Standing Committee meetings has involved considerable sacrifice of their time. During the year ended 30th September, 1940, six Board meetings were held and the Standing Committee of the Board met on twenty-two occasions. The personnel of the Board is : — His Excellency the Governor-General (Chairman). Hon. Mark Pagan, M.L.C. (Deputy-Chairman). Right Hon. J. G. Coates, P.C., M.C., M.P. Hon. W. Perry, M.L.C. Mr. L. O. H. Tripp, 0.8. E. Sir Robert Anderson, Kt., C.M.G. Mr. T. A. Duncan. Mr. F. W. Schramm, M.P. Mr. W. Mulholland. Mr. Tai Mitchell, C.M.G. Mr. J. Roberts. Mr. J. T. Paul. Mr. B. C. Ash win. Mr. Charles Todd. Staff'. The Board records its appreciation of the efficient service rendered by the staff in coping with the multifarious duties necessarily associated with a national comforts organization. Owing to the fact that men are sometimes despatched overseas at short notice, and from different parts of the country, the labour involved in supplying comforts for use on troopships and at base camps has called for much hard work and organization. This has involved the staff in a great deal of overtime. The Board wishes to record its appreciation of the willing and untiring efforts not only of the staff, but also of the voluntary helpers in cheerfully performing these extra duties. The Board wishes to express its appreciation of the generous action of the Government in paying the salaries of the staff and the rent of the Board's offices. This has resulted in every penny collected for patriotic purposes being spent on the purpose for which it was raised, apart from incidental office expenses associated with postages, stationery, &c. This report would not be complete if the work of those organizations already mentioned was not specially acknowledged. The Y.M.C.A. War Services Committee, the Salvation Army, the Church of England Military Affairs Committee, the Catholic War Services Fund Board, the New Zealand Navy League War Council, and the Air Force Relations, with the aid of their thousands of voluntary helpers, have assisted the Board in many ways, and to them the Board owes a deep debt of gratitude. To the Joint Council of the Order of St. John and New Zealand Red Cross Society the Board owes special thanks for its work and assistance in connection with the»raising of funds for the care of the sick, wounded, and distressed. To the heads of the Government Departments and their staffs, and particularly to the executives of the Navy, Army, and Air Force, the Board extends its grateful thanks for their co-operation and assistance. The Board also expresses its thanks to members of the National Patriotic Council and to members of the eleven Provincial Patriotic Councils, their secretaries, and their numerous voluntary helpers, without whose untiring energy and zeal a great deal of the work accomplished would have been mpossible of achievement. This report covers the period to 30th September, 1940. Many new activities and arrangements have subsequently been made to provide for the, comforts of men in the armed forces, but as these fall outside the scope of the year under review they are not referred to herein. For and on behalf of the National Patriotic Fund Board— Geo. A. Hayden, Secretary-Treasurer.