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The Board desires to express its appreciation of the assistance rendered by the Director of the National Broadcasting Service and the Controller of the National Commercial Broadcasting Service, whose aid has been of material assistance in making known appeals for funds for comforts for men in the armed forces. The thanks of the Board are also due to the Government and the National Broadcasting Service for making available to the Board for concerts in aid of the patriotic funds the services of celebrity artists who were under contract to the Government. War Library Service. During the year valuable work was performed by various organizations in providing suitable reading-material for men in camps in New Zealand and overseas. The preparation of a scheme for the regular supply of suitable reading-material for Navy, Army, and Air Force men was entrusted to Mr. G. T. Alley, of the Country Library Service, who has been ably assisted by the New Zealand Library Association. During the year under review approximately 55,000 books and 54,000 periodicals were despatched to camps, troopships, hospitals, and coastal stations. Much assistance in the collection of books and periodicals has been given to the Board by the Country Library Service, the N.Z.R.S.A., the Boy Scouts Association, the Post and Telegraph Department, and other bodies. Books and periodicals donated or supplied are classified, and the better types of books are specially catalogued and placed in camp reference libraries, while others are placed on board troopships or are supplied to the smaller units. Regular Supply op Newspapers and Periodicals. A representative selection of daily and weekly newspapers is purchased by the Board and despatched to New Zealand base hospitals and camp libraries overseas. In addition, local camp libraries are supplied with current newspapers and periodicals. Record of Gifts and Amenities of a Semi-permanent Nature. A careful check is kept on gifts and amenities of a semi-permanent nature supplied by the Board to camps and stations in New Zealand and elsewhere. These gifts are taken on charge by the Departments controlling the fighting forces, so that the articles can be identified and, where possible, recovered at the conclusion of hostilities. For the most part expenditure on goods of this nature will bo nonrecurring. Huts provided by the National Patriotic Fund Board at Various Camps and Stations in New Zealand and Overseas up to 30th September, 1940. In New r. Zealand. Overseas. Y.M.C.A. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 2 Salvation Army.. .. .. .. .. .. 5 Church of England Military Affairs Committee .. .. 5 Catholic War Services Fund Board .. .. .. 4 In addition, many marquees have been supplied and used as recreation centres oy the organizations named. Conferences. From time to time conferences of representatives of Provincial Patriotic Councils and associated organizations have been held for the purpose of discussing policy and general questions and, where necessary, improving existing procedure in the light of experience. These conferences have resulted in a fuller understanding of the purposes of the regulations and have done much to make for the smooth working of the patriotic organization as a whole. Lady Galway Patriotic Guild. During the year the Lady Galway Guild was founded by Her Excellency Lady Galway for the purpose of making, collecting, and forwarding clothing for war refugees. Approximately 600 tons (cubic measurement) of clothing and footwear, &c., have been shipped from New Zealand to assist refugees in stricken areas, and this work is continuing. Honorary Purchasing Officer. In order to obtain the fullest supervision over the expenditure of the funds of the National Patriotic Fund Board in the purchase of gift goods for men of the armed forces, Mr. G. C. McCaul, ex-President of the Chamber of Commerce, was appointed to act as Honorary Purchasing Officer in a consultative capacity. British and Foreign Bible Society. Arrangements have been made for the provision of pocket-size New Testaments for members of the armed forces. One-third of the cost is being met by the above Society and two-thirds by the Board. The provision of prayer books for Catholic troops and books of Psalms for Jewish troops has also been arranged. General. Indirectly the activities of the Board extend through Provincial Patriotic Councils to all parts of New Zealand, and directly to England, Egypt, Canada, and Greece, as well as to other areas where New Zealand Navy, Army, and Air Force personnel are stationed. The thanks of the Board are due to the co-operating organizations in New Zealand and overseas, the Permanent Heads of the armed forces, the voluntary helpers in New Zealand, and to the citizens themselves for the generous assistance which has enabled the Board to function as a collective representative of the people in providing comforts to all members of the armed forces. In the final analysis the success of the Board's activities rests with the contributors to patriotic funds, and at all times the Board welcomes suggestions from the same source in order to make the best use of the funds collected.

2—H. 22A.