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The following table shows the number of knitted articles handled by the Board. These were knitted by the women of New Zealand from wool obtained by the National Patriotic Fund Board for the Provincial Patriotic Councils, and the Board desires to record its appreciation of the splendid service rendered in this connection : —

Knitted Garments issued and on Hand at 30th September, 1940.

In addition to the foregoing, approximately 2,400 khaki pay-book covers and 20,395 Army hussifs have been made by the women of Now Zealand, and issued through the Board to the Director of Ordnance Services. To the end of September, 1910, the Navy Office has been supplied with 1,877 Navy hussifs, and the Air Force Relations issued 966 hussifs. Conveyance of Comforts Free of Charge. The Board desires to express its appreciation of the action of the Overseas Shipowners' Allotment Committee, the Government, the Harbour Boards, and transport organizations generally in handling and conveying comforts free of charge. Provision of Bands. A considerable amount of work has been entailed in securing band instruments for various bands for the armed forces. The donation of many band instruments and pianos has assisted considerably in equipping camp bands and huts in Now Zealand and overseas. The total expenditure under this heading was £1,728 17s. 3d. Mobile Units. Before the financial year closed consideration was being given to the question of providing mobile units for use at various base camps overseas. Provision of Tobacco and Cigarettes for Troops Overseas. Owing to the heavy Customs duty on individually addressed gift parcels containing tobacco and cigarettes sent to Egypt, the Board was forced to advise senders of such parcels not to include tobacco or cigarettes. Reports from Egypt indicate that there is an almost insatiable demand for cigarettes and tobacco, and in supplying comforts every effort is being made to meet this demand. Arrangements have been made for New Zealand tobacco and cigarettes to be stocked by the N.A.A.F.I. Canteen, and by the New Zealand Forces Club, Cairo, as well as in other spheres where New Zealand men are engaged, and this has been appreciated by the men. Publicity. The Board is indebted to the editors of newspapers throughout the Dominion and to various advertising agencies for the assistance they have given in the various appeals made on behalf of patriotic funds. The Board also wishes to extend its thanks to the many publishers who have supplied current issues of newspapers free of charge to the various libraries, military stations, and hospitals throughout the country. In order to make the work of the Board and its allied organizations more fully known, and to assist npxt-of'kin and friends with suggestions regarding suitable types of gift goods to be sent overseas, the Board arranged for the publication and distribution of a general information booklet entitled " Comforts for Men in the Armed Forces," and this booklet was widely distributed throughout the country. The Board is indebted to Mr. Allan Sutherland for his work in compiling this booklet, and to the publishers, Messrs. Thomas Avery and Son, Ltd., New Plymouth, for their public-spirited action in offering to print the booklet without profit to themselves. The thanks of the Board are also due to the members of the staff of this publishing firm for working overtime without pay in producing the booklet.


Bala- Gloves Socks 0 n „ Skull Linine clavas. (Pairs). (Pairs). Mlttens ' Scarves ' PuUover8 - Caps. Glovef. Army Department .. 307 .. 8 27 182 8 Air Force Relations .. 1,888 1,083 52 405 863 43 Air Department .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. 9 Navy Department .. 4,475 20 452 1,597 2,787 167 Navy League .. .. 1,101 .. 96 236 617 1 96 Consigned overseas to 11,856 .. .. 2,664 4,179 Board's Commissioner 19,627 1,103 609 4,929 8,628 219 105 Direct issues from Air 1,376 856 185 1,469 1,667 2,101 .. 1,212 Force Relations Stocks on hand .. 11,799 134 434 12,732 6,157 345 197 Totals .. .. 32,802 2,093 1,228 19,130 16,452 2,665 302 1,212