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Geological Collection. A considerable amount of the geological collection lias been worked through during the year and rearranged. A new exhibit depicting " Volcanic Action " was placed 011 view towards the end of the year. Accessions for the year were : A collection of New Zealand rocks and minerals from the Centennial Exhibition, presented by the Mines Department; a fine large specimen of magnesium carbonate from Dr. C. 0. Hutton, of the Geological Department ; and an exceedingly line specimen of New Zealand mineral asbestos, presented by the Hume Pipe Co., Ltd. Photographic Department. As a result of the import restrictions and the consequent impossibility of obtaining certain supplies, the photographic activity of the Museum had to be severely curtailed in several directions during the past year. The permanent collection of negatives has been increased by 429. The lantern-slide collection (standard-size slides) now contains 1,924 slides, an increase of 120 during the year, while the miniature-size slide collection, commenced last year, to date contains 1,282 slides. It has been possible to print and mount only 297 of the back negatives during the past year. Whenever possible, Mr. Salmon has continued to prepare Dufay colour slides of native plants and insects for the lantern-slide collections. Library. During the year the binding of important sets of periodicals has been brought 1 up to date. Owing to war conditions, most of the European periodicals have not been received for the past year. Members of the staff and the training-college students continue to consult the library in connection with their work, and a number of new books have been added to supply the increasing demand for information. The most important; of these are : " Nomenclator Zoologicus," four volumes ; " Maori People of To-day," by various authors; "Club Types of Nuclear Polynesia " ; and a dictionary of New Zealand biography. We are indebted to Mr. G. V. Hudson, who has presented to the Library a copy of his work on " The Butterflies and Moths of New Zealand." Press, Radio, Trams. The thanks of the Museum Management Committee are tendered to the, press, the National Broadcasting Service, the National Commercial Broadcasting Service, aiifl the City Tramways Department for assistance in directing attention to the Museum and its activities. W. R. B. Oliver, Director. ' ■ < : ;vno'i ■ mt>b ' ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIONAL WAR MEMORIAL CARILLON MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1941. The Carillon Committee has met from time to time as required. Programmes on the Carillon have been played 011 war anniversaries and other occasions by means of the automatic player. The mechanism has, as far as possible, been kept in working-order. Your Committee, however, is taking expert advice as to the mechanical condition of the installation, which needs a complete overhaul. The entrance hall has been suitably decorated, and improvements to the clavier chamber have been authorized. The receipts from the Carillon lift were £50, a decrease of £26 ss. in the amount received during Centennial year. Alfred Cowles, Chairman, Carillon Management Committee.

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