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Presentation of Pictures. On 14th October a function was arranged in the Gallery for the official handing over of throe pictures to the Trustees by the New Zealand Government. The pictures were " The Building of the Queen Elizabeth," by Sir Muirhead Bone, LL.D., and " Clyde Nocturne," by James Kay, R.S.A., both presented to New Zealand through the Lord Provost of Glasgow and the Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts as the result of a visit of the Prime Minister, the Hon. Mr. Eraser, to Glasgow in 1939. The third picture was the oil portrait of the late Earl Jellicoe, presented to the National Collection by the New Zealand Government. The Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. T. C. A. Hislop, formally accepted the pictures from the Prime Minister, Mr. Fraser, who presented them on behalf of the New Zealand Government. The thanks of the Trustees are due to the donors for these most interesting and valuable additions to the National Collection. Acquisitions. The Committee lias no endowment available at present for purchasing pictures. The Gallery will benefit later on from the Sir Harold Beauchamp Endowment Fund (now £13,505), the interest on which will be available for the purchase of pictures when it reaches £15,000, and under the late Sir Harold Beauchamp's will a further fund of £5,000 for a like purpose will be available in five years' time ; the " Ellen Eames Collection Fund," estimated to realize at least £20,000; and the Thomas Lindsay Buick Bequest, estimated to realize over £10,000. During the year, chiefly through the generosity of public-spirited citizens, grants from the Thomas George Macarthy Trust and the New Zealand Government, and gifts from the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, a number of valuable works were added to the National Collection. The following is a list of the pictures acquired: — " Ruins," a water-colour by Frances Hodgkins. Presented by Mrs. J. Sheilds, Nelson, in memory of her husband, the late Joshua Sheilds, Esq. Collection of etchings, dry-points, wood-cuts, &c., purchased with funds donated by Charles Todd, Esq.,-Wellington — Dry-point: " Une Precieux," by E. Blampied. Etching: " Black Silk Dress," by Gerald Brockhurst, R.A., R.E. Dry-point: " Shrimp Boats, Yarmouth," by Sir Muirhead Bone, LL.D. Line engraving : " Hurdle Makers," by Stanley Anderson, A.R.A., R.E. Aquatint: " The New Moon," by Sir Frank Short, R.A., R.E. Wood-cut: " Swans," by Agnes Miller Parker. Dry-point: " Durham," by Henry Rushbury, R.A., R.E. Dry-point: " Sir Frank Short," by Malcolm Osborne, R.A., R.E. Line engraving : " Woman praying," by Robert S. Austin, A.R.A., R.E. Collection of water-colours purchased with funds donated by B. Sutherland, Esq., Wellington— " Still Life," by P. H. Jowett, R.W.S. " Morston, Norfolk," by Harry Morley, A.R.A., R.W.S. " In the Cotswolds," by Averil Burleigh, R.W.S. " Winter Morning," by Philip Connard, R.A., R.W.S. " Citadel, Dover," by Charles Cheston, R.W.S. Portrait of the late Earl Jellicoe, G.C.8., 0.M., G.C.V.0., D.C.L., LL.D., by Reginald G. Eves, R.A. Purchased with funds donated by the New Zealand Government. " Sheba" (oil painting), by M. E. R. Tripe. Presented by Mrs. Herbert Kirkcaldie, Wellington. "Job Ma bey" (oil painting), by James Nairn. Bequeathed by the late MacGregor B. Wright, Esq., Christchurch. " Cold Day at Villars " (water-colour), by Ronald Gray, R.W.S. Presented by Mrs. M. Murray Fuller. " Building the Queen Elizabeth, John Brown's Yard, Clydebank " (chalk drawing), by Sir Muirhead Bone, LL.D., D.Litt. Presented by the Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts and the Right Hon. the Lord Provost of Glasgow, P. J. Dollan, 1940. " Nocturne, River Clyde" (oil painting), by James Kay, R.S.A., R.W.S. Presented by the Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts and the Right Hon. the Lord Provost of Glasgow, P. J. Dollan, 1940. " Portrait of the late Katherine Mansfield " (oil painting), by Ann Estelle Rice. Purchased with funds donated by the Thomas George Macarthy Trust. "Portrait of the Fourth Duke of Devonshire" (mezzotint), by Malcolm Osborne, R.A., R.E. Presented by His Grace the Duke of Devonshire. " Gerona, Northern Spain" (oil painting), by Guy Kortwright. Purchased with funds donated by the New Zealand Government. " The Whip " (oil painting), by A. J. Munnings, R.A. Purchased with funds donated by the New Zealand Government. " Head of Spring " (gilt bronze), by Charles Wheeler, R.A. Purchased by the Committee of Management.