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ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1941. The Board met on four occasions during the year, and the Building and Finance Committee held four meetings. Obituary. The death occurred in July, 1940, of Mr. D. J. McGowan, a former member of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Thomas Forsyth, member of the Board as second representative of the Wellington City Council, passed away in February, 1941. Resolutions of sympathy with their relatives and of appreciation of services rendered by the deceased were passed. General. The operations of the three institutions under contol of the Board of Trustees have continued satisfactorily under the care of the respective Management Committees, whose, reports are attached. In the Art Gallery the Centennial Exhibition of International and New Zealand Art, which closed on 12th May, 1940, showed very satisfactory results, both from an attendance and financial point of view. Other successful exhibitions were held during the year, and the educational aspect was extended by sending collections of pictures to Palmerston North and Masterton. Prior to the departure of Their Excellencies, Viscount and Lady Gal way, from New Zealand, the Board of Trustees expressed to them its appreciation of the interest displayed by Their Excellencies in the Art Gallery and Museum during their stay in New Zealand. A number of valuable gifts of pictures and exhibits were made to the Art Gallery and Museum during the year, and the Board extends its grateful thanks to the donors. Special mention is made of the portrait of the late Earl Jellicoe, purchased from funds provided by the Government from its grant to the Centennial Art Exhibition, and two paintings—" Clyde Nocturne " and the " Building of the Queen Elizabeth " —presented by the Lord Provost of Glasgow in co-operation with the Art Society of Glasgow. The Art Gallery has also benefited by a further purchase of facsimile colour reproductions of old masters and modern paintings from a grant made by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts presented further pictures to the Gallery, and others were purchased from a grant made by the T. G. Macarthy Trust. A grant for educational purposes in connection with the Art Gallery and Museum was also made by that trust. A fund is being built up with the object of appointing a permanent Educational Officer for the Art Gallery. The Museum already has an Educational Officer. The film evenings held in the Lecture Hall under the auspices of the Museum have proved popular. The Lecture Hall has also been used for other educational purposes, and for meetings of societies kindred to Museum activities. Since the close of the Centennial Art Exhibition, the attendance at the tea-rooms has fallen away, but the Board considers the tea-rooms form a desirable amenity to the Art Gallery and Museum, even though a profit may not be made. The care of the grounds surrounding the Art Gallery and Museum has been taken over by the Wellington City Council and placed under the supervision of the Director of Parks and Reserves. A considerable improvement in the appearance of the grounds is already noticeable. The support afforded by contributions from local bodies is much appreciated, as without such support it would be difficult to carry on the operations of the institutions controlled by the Board. The Board records its appreciation of the help and assistance rendered by the New Zealand Government, Carnegie Corporation of New York, the T. G. Macarthy Trust, New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Toe H, the Royal Society, and others; also the Wellington press and National Broadcasting Service for valuable publicity. The staffs of the Art, Gallery, Museum, and Carillon have rendered satisfactory and willing service during the year. Audited annual accounts and balance-sheet, with Treasurer's report, are appended hereto. After providing for appropriations of £1,000 for Renewals, Repairs, and Extensions Fund, £300 for purchases of pictures and exhibits, and £200 for Educational Purposes Reserve, there remains a balance of £133 19s. 4d. to be carried forward to next period. T. C. A. Hislop, Deputy Chairman. F. H. Bass, Secretary.

NATIONAL ART GALLERY COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1941. Committee Meetings. Six meetings of the Committee of Management were held during the year. Centennial International Art Exhibition. The Centennial Exhibition of International Art, which was 011 view in the Gallery for a period of six months, continued into the first six weeks of this year and closed 011 12th May. The work of removing and storing the four hundred exhibits which occupied the whole of the National Gallery was carried out most expeditiously. The Gallery was rehung immediately with works belonging to the National Collection and was reopened again to the public on the 24th May.