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STATISTICS. OFFENDERS PROBATION ACT, 1920. Ages and Terms of Probation of the Offenders admitted to Probation during the Year, 1940.

Summary of Cases dealt with during the Year 1940. Admitted Deferred , , to Probation. Sentence. ° Number reporting on Ist-January, 1940 .. 1,323 176 1,499 Admitted to probation during the year .. 902 168 1,070 Resumed probation—previously struck off .... 1 1 Totals .. .. .. .. 2,225 345 2,570 Completed probation during the year .. .. 584 112 696 Deceased .. .. .. .. .. 8 1 9 Discharged by Prison Board .. .. 21 5 26 Left the Dominion (mostly soldiers) .. .. 189 13 202 Absconded and not traced (term expired) .. 5 1 6 Resentenced on the original charge .. 40 9 49 Committed further offences .. 62 11 73 Totals .. .. .. .. 909 152 1,061 Number reporting on 31st December, 1940 .. 1,316 193 1,509 Breaches of Conditions of Release committed during 1940. report, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 86 Committed further offences .. .. .. .. .. .. 184 Absconded (still untraced) .. .. .. .. .. 24 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 294 Costs of Prosecution and Restitution Moneys collected during the Year ended 31st March, 1941. £ s. d. Amount of costs of prosecution collected by Probation Officers .. 773 0 4 Amount of restitution moneys collected .. .. .. .. 5,430 0 8 Total .. .. .. £6,203 1 0


a „ „ vw.Ii,, One Eighteen Two Three Four Five , , r ,. ® ' 1 cal ° . lh Year. Months. Years. Years. Years. Years. ] ° or under. Under 20 years of age .. 17 120 13 107 27 .. 1 285 20 and under 25 .. 13 126 8 72 26 1 .. 246 25 „ 30 11 63 6 42 8 .. 1 131 30 „ 40 5 57 3 53 11 .. 4 133 40 „ 50 2 31 3 17 10 1 1 65 50 „ 60 1 20 2 1 1 .. 1 26 60 „ 70 .... 6 1 3 .. .. .. 10 70 and over .. .... 1 1 2 .. .. 2 6 Totals .. 49 424 37 297 83 2 10 902