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Drunkenness. There has been a decrease of 465 in the number of prosecutions for drunkenness during the year as compared with the previous year. The number charged with drunkenness in 1940 was 5,470 (5,317 males and 153 females), whereas in 1939 the number was 5,935 (5,788 males and 147 females). From the following table it has been ascertained that 32-33 per cent, of the males and 39-21 per cent, of the females had previous convictions recorded against them, and 3-1 per cent, of the males were not permanent residents of the Dominion.

Return showing the Number of Persons charged with Drunkenness during the Year 1940, and the Number of Previous Convictions against them, so far as is known.

Number of foregoing who were members of the crews of vessels in port, 165. The following table shows the convictions for drunkenness per ten thousand of the population for each year from 1935 to 1939 in Australia and New Zealand : — 1035. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. Commonwealth .. .. 76-3 83-7 78-4 80-1 88-2 New Zealand .. .. 21-6 28-8 31-6 35-8 39-6 Prosecutions against Hotelkeepers. The number of prosecutions against hotelkeepers during the year shows a decrease of 8 as compared with the preceding year. There were 620 prosecutions, resulting in 476 convictions, during 1940, as against 628 prosecutions and 469 convictions in 1939. Sly-grog Selling. There were 171 prosecutions during the year for selling liquor without a license, resulting in 156 convictions, and there were also 43 prosecutions, resulting in 42 convictions, for other offences against the provisions of the Licensing Act in force in no-license districts. The fines imposed on the sly-grog sellers during the year 1940 amounted to £1,859. Gaming Offences. There were 394 prosecutions, resulting in 376 convictions, during the year under the Gaming Act, against 491 prosecutions and 463 convictions in 1939. Prosecutions of Bookmakers. The following return shows the result of prosecutions in connection with bookmaking during the year ended 31st March, 1941 :—


Males. Females. Total. Not previously convicted .. .. .. 3,598 93 3,691 One previous conviction .. .. .. 547 19 566 Two previous convictions .. .. .. 292 12 304 Three previous convictions .. .. .. 210 2 212 Four previous convictions .. .. .. 131 4 135 Five previous convictions .. .. .. 98 4 102 Over five previous convictions .. .. 441 19 460 Totals .. .. 5,317 153 5,470

. Number of Number of Amount of Fines n ' Prosecutions. Convictions. imposed. . £ s. d. Carrying on business of bookmaker .. .. 93 92 4,372 10 0 Keeping common gaming-house .. .. 95 93 4,060 0 0 Found in common gaming-house .. .. 22 20 29 0 0 Laying totalizator odds .. .. .. 3 3 22 10 0 Publishing betting-charts .. .. .. 2 2 25 0 0 Street betting .. .. .. .. 1 1 25 0 0 Betting with bookmaker .. .. .. 15 15 70 0 0 Totals .. .. 231 226 8,604 0 0