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Some fourteen poster films covering a wide range of subjects were also produced throughout the year on behalf of the Prime Minister's Department, and a complete coverage was also obtained of the various parades and departures of New Zealand troops. In addition to all these activities, the Studios also covered several major assignments on behalf of news-reel companies, such as the arrival of H.M.S. " Achilles " (this obtained a world release) and the late Prime Minister's funeral (which also obtained a world release). At the close of the year two major pictures were in production —namely, " Farewell New Zealand," a picture compiled from negatives of the various echelon departures made throughout the year and to be released shortly, and " Arms for New Zealand," a major two-reel subject depicting the growth of munition-making in New Zealand. Both these productions are being made for the Director of Publicity, Prime Minister's Department. In addition to the above, the Studios were busily engaged during the year preparing a number of copies of films forwarded by the Ministry of Information, London, through the High Commissioner for Great Britain. These films, which played a large part in connection with the Old Country's war effort, were circulated for showing throughout the Dominion. Further films prepared by the Studios for the Prime Minister's Department dealt with petrol-conservation, the saving of non-ferrous metals, and the salvage of other materials. Art Department.—The Art Department has continued to function with a greatly reduced staff to carry out much valuable work in the way of displays for the various Tourist Bureaux in the Dominion and overseas, together with the preparation of thousands of posters, display cards, &c. Still Department. —The still department has continued to function at high pressure, and has turned out over thirty thousand prints, lantern-slides., and enlargements of various sizes. In addition, over one thousand coloured lantern-slides have been prepared and circulated in every theatre in the Dominion on behalf of the Treasury Department's campaign in connection with national savings. These were prepared at the instigation of the Prime Minister's Department. This branch also continued to serve the photographic needs of practically every Department of State, including the Agriculture Department, Marine Department, Public Works Department, Housing Department, Forestry Department, Scientific and Industrial Research Department, Combined Intelligence Department, Naval Control Service, Army and Air Force Departments, Post and Telegraph Department, Health Department, and Treasury, &c. Advertising.—The advertising campaign handled by the Department has been carried on at a reduced tempo, in line with the changed conditions affecting the travel business.