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11. PERSONS EMPLOYED. The following statement shows the number of persons ordinarily employed in or about the metalliferous mines of the Dominion during the year:

in addition, the following persons were employed in oil-bormg operations Geologists, geophysicists, &c. .. .. • • • • • • Surveyors Draughtsmen Laboratory assistants .. ■ • • • • • • • "no Drillers, &c. .. .. • • • • • • • • "of Others .. • ■ • • • • • • ■ • " _ Total • ■ • • ■ ■ 132 111. ACCIDENTS..

During 1939 three fatal and nine serious but non-fatal accidents occurred in or about metalliferous mines, at which 2,824 persons were ordinarily employed.

±OT>aiB rr •• • • I 1 : The three fatalities which occurred in 1939 in metalliferous mines were all in the Southern District and were caused by fails- of earth or stone. One occurred underground in a " deep lead " working, one in a tail-race, aind the third at the 1 bottom of an elevatoi. A short statement concerning these fatalities appears in the report of the Inspector of Mines for the Southern District. . It is pleasing to records the absence of fatal accidents during 1939 m the Northern and West, Coast Inspection Districts. . There were eight serious non-fatal accidents m the West Coast District, three of them on dredges and of the others, three were caused by falling rock. There was one serious non-fatal accident in the' Southern District. No serious non-fatal accidents occurred in the Northern District during the year. IV. GOLD-MINING. The following statement showsv the val&e of the bullion-production, also the dividends declared 1 number of persons employed, and the number of gold mines and dredges


Inspection District. Total, 1939. Classification. Northern. West Coast. Southern. Gold, silver, and tungsten ?07 1.388 659 2,794 Cinnabar .. .. •• •• •• • • „ " j ' 7 Iron-ore .. .. •• •• •• ... " J3 Manganese .. .. , - • • • • • • ' '' " g Silica .. •• '• •- ■" " 1 Pumice Fuller's earth Diatomaceous earth .. ■ • • • • • ■ • "J_ Totals for 1939 .. .. • • • • 826 1 > 339 2,824 TotaJs far 1938 .. 8W; 1,488 653

Fatal Accidents. Serious Non-fatal Accidents. Cause. Number of w„ m h», , lf ; Number of Number of Separate nliti, I Separate Persons Accidents. Deatlis. Accidents. injured. _ Falls of ground.. Explosives .. .. •• •• •• •• " Miscellaneous, on surface .. • • • * •' • • • • . MiseeHaneous, underground .. " • • •» • • Totals * 3 5 L_

tv / t> ,nu„ i Aon * / a 11 \f i«oa \ Number of PersonB I Number ot Production of Bullion, 1930. (All Mines.) Dlv | dendg pa | d) ordinarily employed Productive Quartz(By Registered Com- at Productive and mines, Alluvial 1 panics only.)t Unproductive Mines, Mines, and Quantity. | Value. j 1939. | Dredges. 1939. (>/.. £ £ Quartz-Kiiniii" » 472,309 717.210 86,987 1,126 62 Allwfef MiM&gt UW12 150,169 10,809 1,190 774 Dredge mining .. 78,476 699,589 90254 23 Totals, 1939 .. 569,297 1,566,977 193,050 2,754 859 Totals, 1938 .. 509,759 1,214,054 217,748 2,955 1,171 • In addition to the gold produced from the gold-mines, silver was obtained from them, hence the word " bullion" Is used In preference to g of privately owned dredges and mines are unobtainable, which renders this statement incomplete. I The bullion-production is from 774 alluvial claims, but the dividends are only obtainable from those few that are the property Of registered companies.