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Table No. 1. —Abstract of Receipts and Expenditure of the Financial Year ended 31st March 1940. See Parliamentary Paper 8.-l [Part I]. Table No. 2. —Tite Public Debt on 31st March, 1940. See Parliamentary Paper 8.-l [Part lII]. Table No. 3.—Revenue for the Year ended 31st March, 1940, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1939 .. .. .. .. .. Table No. 4.—Comparative Statement op the Estimated and Actual Revenue op the Consolidated Fund (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1940 • • • • • • • • • • •. .. .. .. iii Table No. s.—Estimated Revenue for 1940-41, compared with the Actual Revenue for 1939-40 .. iv Table No. 6.—Stamp and Death Duty Revenue for the Year ended 31st March, 1940, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1939 .. .. .. .. .. .. iv Table No. 7. —Statement of the Customs Duties collected for 1939-40, compared with 1938-39 .. v Table No. 8. —Statement of the Actual Net Expenditure of the Consolidated Fund (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the Financial Yeah ended 31st March, 1940, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1939 .. .. .. .. v Table No. 9. —Comparative Statement of the Appropriated and Actual Expenditure of the Consolidated Fund (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the Financial Year exded 31st March, 1940 .. .. .. .. ~ _ _ .. vii Table No. 10. —Estimated Net Expenditure for 1940-41, compared with the Actual Net Expenditure for 1939-40 .. .. .. .. .. .. ix Table No. 11. —Public Works Fund—Statement showing Net Expenditure under Appropriations for the Year ended 31st March, 1940, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1939 x Table No. 12.—Statement showing the Total Ways and Means of the Public Works Fund, General Purposes Account, and the Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1940 .. xi Table No. 13.—Statement showing the Amount charged to " Unauthorized " in each Financial Year from Ist April, 1930, to 31st March, 1940 .. .. .. .. .. xii Table No. 14.—Statement showing the available Financial Resources of the various Accounts on the 31st March, 1940, as compared with the 31st March, 1939 .. .. .. xiii Table No. 15.—Statement of Amounts paid on account of Pensions and Social Security Benefits for the Financial Years ended 31st March, from 1936 to 1940.. .. .. xiii Table No. 16.—Education Expenditure—Total Expenditure on Education out of Public Funds since 1913-14 .. .. .. .. .. _ .. xiv Table No. 17.—Statement of Half-yearly Instalments of Principal and Interest for Repayment of Debt funded with Imperial Government .. .. .. .. .. xv Table No. 18.—Statement showing Maturity Dates and Domicile of Debt outstanding as at 31ST March, 1940 .. .. .. .. .. xvi Table No. 19.—Statement showino Values of Imports and Exports of the Dominion in each Financiai Year ended 31st March, from 1931 to 1940 .. .. .. * xvii Table No. 20. —Table showing Improvement in Economic Conditions .. .. _ xvii Copy of Prospectus of 1939 London Conversion Loan .. .. xviii

i—B. 6.