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DEPARTMENT OF AGRIC ULTURE —continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1939.

B- 1 [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1939.

L. C. Scott, Accountant, Department of Agriculture, Wellington. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account, Working Accounts, Profit and Loss Accounts, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement ©f parliamentary return 8.-l [Pt. IV].— Cybil G. Collins. Controller and Auditor-General


' . ! Farms and Area. Ruakura Farm Te Kauwhata rinrlt nnmu Other than Quarantme-stetiun, PoSmilint; of Horticultural "Special" Total. Poultry-station, iwf Instruotion. Station. Station. Undertakings. and Cattle-dip. f eiiura. . Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s . d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d March > 1939 (in 01111168 Public Works Fund capital, 12,292 8 7 3,181 9 2 T3,847 1 5 i 21,677 1 4 155,033 6 6 67,217 18 8 333 249 5 8 129/, 705 14s.) Sundry creditors — General 77 3 2 3 5 6 337 IS 6 453 17 11 422 17 8 31,069 1 9 32,363 18 6 Departmental .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 13 8 7* 1 5 211 19 8 35 16 0 19 3 9 47,158 9 11 47,471 4 5 Amounts received m advance 9 14 0 .. 126 0 0 .. .. 4,431 0 5 4,566 14 5 Wntmgs-off Reserve . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 9 0 .. .. 2,709 16 5 2,798 5 5 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. .. .. S,970 0 1 404 6 5 17,042 18 1 .. j 4,459 0 7 936,134 9 3 962,010 14 5 Pnofit and Loss Account .. .. .. 2,180 16 0 .. .. 2! 180 16 0 16,387 19 6 3,596 2 6 91,654 0 8 24,347 11 3 159,934 8 6 1,088,720 16 5 1,384,640 18 10 , , Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ana . •• •• •• •• •• •• 2,317 14 6 300 » 0 35,926 2 0 113 10 0 87,397 0 0 17,206 9 7 143,260 16 1 Permanent improvements 7,546 12 1 814 5 5 19,353 4 10 4,009 8 3 35,470 14 8 12,479 16 5 79,674 1 8 iurmture, fittings, and fixtures .. .. .. .. .. 574 118 681 34 18 54 1,000 17 10 3,617 13 0 5,324 8 6 ijoraries . .. .. .. .. 0 6 11 .. 31 6 7 11 6 4 1 10 0 3,139 5 11 3,183 15 9 Technical instruments and equipment 1 3 0 .. 499 8 1 7 10 5 10 2 5 6,320 13 6 6 838 17 5 Mechanical office appliances .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 0 0 17 14 2 13 14 8 319 0 0 351 8 10 Implements and tools .. .. .. .. .. .. 571 4 9 9 13 J 1,974 7 8 1,734 16 0 1,614 19 11 1,010 17 5 6,915 18 11 . 3 16 0 .. 126 1 1 .. 854 3 3 8,388 5 11 9,372 0 3 Establishment expenses .. .. .. .. 250 18 3 .. 250 18 3 Dairy company shares .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 0 0 15 0 0 National Development Account: Grants to Masse j and Lincoln Agricul- .. .. .. 4 206*11 0 4 206 11 0 tural Colleges for buildings, &c. Live-stock . .. .. .. .. .. .. 1>387 1 o __ 8,843 19 9 538 17 0 26,473 6 6 531 4 6 37,774 8 9 S " " 459 9 © 5,656 8 11 6,410 8 1 15,225 13 10 1,930 19 0 9,998 1 5 36,081 0 3 S eQeri ?' 1 '• '• •• •• •• •• 182 5 0 1 8 9 359 19 3 13 13 8 1,991 9 4 16,505 12 2 19,054 8 2 Departmental .. .. .. .. .. 52 2 6 6 17 9 4 6 0 18 18 11 .. 6,162 5 5 6,244 10 7 Am©unts paid in advance .. .. .. .. .. . # # 4 13 4 4 13 4 Profit and Loss Account .. .. • .. .. .. g ; 861 3 5 406 6 10 17,148 10 9 .. 2,909 12 8 996,120 10 5 1,020,446 4 1 Writings-ofl E Suspense .. .. 88 9 0 .. .. 2,709 16 5 2,798 5 5 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 637 17 4 ■> 637 17 4 Deposits .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 205 14 3 .. '! ]' "'205 14 3 ! 16,387 19 6 3,596 2 6 91,654 0 8 24,347 11 S 159,934 8 6 1,088,720 16 5 1,384,640 18 10