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Causes of Death. Group I.—St. Helens Hospitals : Toxaemia of pregnancy, 1 ; placenta praevia, 1 ; post-partum haemorrhage, 1 ; non-puerperal coronary embolism, 1. non-^erperil'T^ HoapitaU --$ e V sis > 7 ; P ost -P artum haemorrhage, 7 ; placenta praevia, 1 ; other puerperal haemorrhages, 3 ; eclampsia, 3 other toxaemias of pregnancy, 3; embolism, 2 ; obstetric shock, 4 ; Group 111 Private Hospitals : Sepsis, 6; post-partum haemorrhage, 3 ; placenta previa, 3 ; other puerperal haemorrhages, 1; eclampsia, 2 ; other toxaemias of pregnancy, 2; embolism 1- thrombosis 1accident of pregnancy, 1 ; obstetric shock, 5 ; non-puerperal, 2. r s j> » 1 > a.

Table I.—Statistics of Maternity Hospitals.


I /dSed. I III i ill Number of Operations. Hemorrhages. | ° o| p^ te If | a 4 H § = 5 : 5 3* Infants bom transferred ° ~ 3 § £ Versions «- " . Caesarean g ® | ® ® © g go toother gee ; 5 2 Is M M I 211 i* ■ ° I -lllljal 2. H^' 8 - K < i I I II | 1 |IS| 3 go! I! i i 1 3-g 2| * I I || o|!& II I g| 5* S|j =1 gi fl § S I 5 <5 go5® "3 a ®J2 & g £ -f© fl 2 t : 28 : S "So | |> m S? J"! P<° ~ I | 8S I | !«-» I I--3 |« j 2 I | 3° |= | ! ! nHi |K I |M IS* SASigSa s* II I g u ! : \ ■ b >*■ u *. H , g M | h oa a fk g H I ft I ft pq «! q £ § 8 *' HelenS 4 90 139 1,990 115 1,964 8 87 5 18 3 1 10 6 '• 38 14 16 23 6 3 33 31 30 2 14 1 3 1 4 Pe coSn a ement S t0tal 4 ' 43 °' 2& °' 92 °' 15 °'° 5 °' 51 °' 31 " 193 °' 71 °' 81 X " 17 0 310-153 168 l ' 58 153 0-10 0-710-051 0-153 0-0510-204 Gl hospitals '* 8 ' 548 8, °° 7 376 8,383 87 63? 10 2 ® " 25 66 24 2 367 35 45 130 30 23 152 148 105 38 200 11 30 4 34 tered by Hospital Boards Pe coSn a ements t0tal 7 ' 6 ° °' 12 °' 31 °' 2 ° °' 3 ° °' 79 °' 29 °'° 2 4 ' 38 °' 42 °' 54 1-55 °- 36 <>-274 1-81 1-77 1-25 0-45 2-390-1310-358 0-480-406 Group III: Private 1961,025 52816,54515,665 79416,459 701,948 84 28 19 58 111 18 .. 644 42 52 177 45 16 229 292 143 100 151 12 27 1 28 Hospitals P^W g r^ P l t0tal JJ. 1184 °' 51 017 °' 12 °' 35 °" 67 O" 11 -- 3-91 0-26 0-32 1-07 0-270-097 1-39 1-77 0-87 0-61 0-920-0730-1640-0060-170 T °tals .. .. 2721,6801,299 27,083 25,521 1,28526,806 1652,672 99 72 39 84 187 48 91 113 330 81 42~414 "In 24 60 6 66 P !"nSih t0ta ' " " 9 97 °' 37 °' 27 °' 15 °' 31 0 ' 70 0-18 °' 01 3 ' 91 0-34 0-42 1,23 0-300-157 1-54 1-76 1-04 0-52 1 -360-090 0-2240-022 0-246