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It will be seen that rural areas having a mid-week closing-day have decreased from 96 per cent, of the total in 1908-13 and 91 per cent, in 1920 to 64 per cent, in 1940, while rural areas with a Saturday closing-day have correspondingly increased from 4 per cent, of the total in 1908-13 and 9 per cent, in 1920 to 36 per cent, in 1940.

Table showing the Statutory Closing-day for Shops as determined by Poll only at various Periods since 1908-13.

Table showing the Statutory Closing-day for Shops however determined at various Periods since 1908-13.

INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION ACT. Awards of the Court of Arbitration .. .. .. 112 (last year 239) The reduction in the number of agreements and awards made is largely due to the fact that those filed m the previous year were, in many cases, for a two-year period, and will not come up for reconsideration until 1940-41. 1 The awards and industrial agreements actually in force on the 3.lst March, 1940, total 526 (last year 568). Ihis decrease is attributable to the fact that a number of awards with a scope covering only one district have been superseded by Dominion awards. „ . ~^ le 112 awards made during 1939-40, 55 were issued by the Court itself and 57 by the stipendiary Magistrate acting as delegate of the Court. The Court also issued 4 apprenticeship orders and 70 miscellaneous documents, interpretations, enforcements, &c., while the Stipendiary Magistrate issued 14 apprenticeship orders and 53 miscellaneous documents. Mr. J. A. Gilmour, S.M., has acted as delegate of the Court since 13th September, 1938, and during the six and a half months ended 31st March 1939, he issued 27 awards, 12 apprenticeship orders, and 45 miscellaneous documents Since the establishment of a separate Court to deal with cases under the Workers' Compensation Act, 1926, Mr. Justice Tyndall has presided over the Court of Arbitation. Work performed by Commissioners and Councils of Conciliation. Industrial agreements made under the Act .. . . 39 (last year 67) Disputes where recommendations were substantially accepted or agreements reached and referred to the Court to make awards .... . . . . . . .. 64 (last year 144). Disputes where partial settlement was arrived at and referred to the Court to make awards .. .. .. 74 (last year 69)


1908-13. 1920. 1935. 1940. Number of Number of Number of Number of Local per _ Local p Local . Local ,, Areas with , Areas with , Areas with Areas with er " Closing. centa S e ' Closing- centa S e - Closing centa § e - Sing da y- day. day. day. In mid-week .. 5] 97 30 64 34 44- 23 28 On Saturday .. 2 3 17 36 43 56 58 72 : .

1908-13. 1920. 1935. 1940. Number of Number of Number of Number of Local p Local _ Local D Local Areas with ,, Areas with , " Areas with cr " Areas with ■ l ' er " Closing- <= u Closing- closing- <*ntage. closing . oentage. day.. day. day. day. In Mid-week. Urban ■ • ■• 683 96 131 75 96 60 49 32 Rural .. .. 1,620 96 191 91 116 80 88 64 Total .. .. 2,303* 96 322 83 212 70 137 47 On Saturday. Urban .. 28 4 44 25 65 40 104 68 Rural .. 68 4 20 9 27 20 50 36 Total .. ..96 4 64 17 92 30 154 53 : i neighbouring arelf ° f th6Se l0 -° al ar6aS W ° re SmaU inde P endent districts which were subsequently absorbed b^