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New Works and Maintenance. With the exception of the commencement of the new Postmaster Bath building at Rotorua, 110 new works of major importance have been undertaken, but the usual maintenance of departmental property and amenities at the various resorts under its control has been carricd out. Te Anau Hotel. On the expiration of the former licensee's lease the Department took over the management of its hotel at Te Anau. It was felt that departmental control would prove beneficial, particu-\ larly in view of the approaching opening of the tunnel route to the Sound. The administration of Cascade Creek was brought under the management of Te Anau. Staj 1 ]?. While there have been no retirements of senior officers, twenty-six members of the departmental staff are serving with His Majesty's Forces. The Assistant General Manager, Mr. 8. J. Oollett, unfortunately met with a severe accident in December, and is still absent from duty. Publicity. During the past year, in addition to keeping up the ordinary supplies of publicity literature, special attention had to be devoted to publications suitable for advertising the Centennial Exhibition period. Two main booklets were published, the first being largely pictorial in scope, the illustrations covering the period from Tasman's discovery to the present day. Many of these pictures were obtained from old collections and were published for the first time. The second booklet consisted mainly of letterpress covering New Zealand's first hundred years, the story being written by Mr. James Cowan, the well-known author and historian. A publication produced during the year which has won most favourable comment from all quarters was that entitled " Birds and Flowers of New Zealand." This book, printed in full colour, appears to have filled a long-felt want not only among visitors, but also among the people of the Dominion, and is enjoying wide popularity. Numerous requests have already been received from overseas libraries for the inclusion of this book among works of reference, and it should thus prove a most valuable advertisement for the Dominion. Several small leaflets and folders were also produced during the year detailing the Department's services to the public. In addition, several fine posters advertising New Zealand and the Exhibition were produced by the silk-screen process at the Department's Studios at Miramar. Reprints of all of the main publications were carried out during the year. The small booklet " Facts and Figures " ( " New Zealand in a Nutshell " ) being a resume of the Year-Book, again proved most popular and came in for world-wide distribution. In the film work valuable co-operation has been maintained through the Fox Film Agency by the release of short, topical items secured by the Government film photographers throughout New Zealand. In addition, there has been considerable development of film activities in supplying special films for showing at overseas exhibitions throughout the world. The 16 mm. film is coming more largely into use for educational and other purposes, and this medium is being widely developed and brought up to date by the introduction of " sound," which greatly increases its popularity and range. Department's Film and Advertising Studios. The Acting-Manager of the Department's Film and Advertising Studios reports : — During the period under revision the Department's Studios at Miramar were particularly busy and worked under high pressure for the greater part of the year. This was largely due to the demands placed upon their services by nearly every Department of State to assist in some way with their various exhibits for the Centennial Exhibition. In order to cope with this work it was necessary to augment the staff, which was more than justified by the results achieved. The branch concerned with the production of motion pictures was particularly busy, the major interest being the production of the Centennial film, which is now nearing completion. This has entailed an enormous amount of work, covering as it does a very wide field of activities, and its production has necessitated a considerable amount of overtime being spent on it. The film branch was also successful in serving many Departments not only with various pictures illustrating their activities, but also with the provision of sound-track films to be incorporated in their various exhibits at the Exhibition. The principal films supplied throughout the year were : " Clover " and " Barley " (Agriculture Department) ; " Twenty White Horses " (Dental Department); " Backblocks to High Seas " and " Royal Mail " (Postal Department); " Boundaries " (Lands and Survey Department); " Forest Fires" (propaganda film for Forestry Department) ; " Onward New Zealand" and " Carry On " (Industries and Commerce Department); " Movielogues No. 14 " (comprehensive film of New Zealand).