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acquired was to be vested in the Crown as an addition to the Willsher Domain ; and the Department, with the approval of the Domain Board, undertook to give the Council representation on the Board. The Council also expressed its willingness to make grants from the Port Molyneux funds to Domain and Scenic Boards in the locality, and to assist generally in the acquisition of suitable areas for recreation or scenic purposes. Under the circumstances it was decided to introduce the special legislation, which gave the necessary authority to use the funds in the manner indicated, and also gave the Council power to lease the whole of the reserve, which was declared to be vested in the local body without power of sale but with full power to lease. At the same time the opportunity was taken of repealing the old legislation dealing with the reserve. Since the passing of the special legislation the Department has co-operated with the Council in the acquisition of the land required for the campingground at Kaka Point, and the whole matter will shortly be completed. Section 24 authorized the Auckland City Council to accept a surrender of a lease over a small portion of the Auckland Domain and to grant to the Auckland Bowling Club a new lease of such portion and of another small area of the domain. Under section 33 of the Local Legislation Act, 1927, the Council was authorized to lease an area of 1 acre and 23 perches of the domain to the bowling club, and a lease was subsequently issued with the consent of the Governor-General as required by that legislation. The club applied to the Council for a renewal of its lease for a further term of twenty-one years, and for the inclusion of an additional area of 9-75 perches in order to permit of the construction of another green. The club's lower greens were adversely affected by flooding from storm-water in times of heavy rain, and it was desired to construct a green on higher land. The additional area asked for comprised a small piece of waste land lying between the new Domain Drive and the leased area. The Council, provided it was given the necessary authority, was prepared to renew the club's lease, and to grant a lease over the small additional area. It was thought that the most convenient way would bo to surrender the existing lease and to grant a new one covering the whole area. The special legislation therefore authorized the Council to accept a surrender of the old lease, which was for a term of twenty-one years from the Ist April, 1928, and to grant to the club, subject, however, to the consent of the Governor-General, a new lease covering both areas for a term to expire on the 31st March, 1970. PART lI.—NATIONAL PARKS. No new national-park areas were set aside during the year, nor were any additions made to the existing parks. A grant of £500 was made to the Egmont National Park Board for general administration and improvement purposes. A patrolman was again engaged to supervise the areas along the Te Anau - Milford Sound Road. Ho reports that the public still show a good deal of apathy in regard to the lighting of fires. On several occasions he had to extinguish incipient fires, but was unsuccessful in apprehending the offenders. The wet climatic conditions prevailing throughout the year had a good effect in preventing the spread of fires. The number of campers and visitors was considerably less than during the previous season. The keeping of dogs in the park area is being satisfactorily kept in check. Cats, however, present a more difficult problem, as numbers of these animals frequenting the locality of public-works camps have run more or less wild. Cats have been noticed on the Milford side of the tunnel, but now that the tunnel heading is through, the partolman will be able to extend his activities there. Extracts from the annual reports of the Tongariro, Egmont, and Arthur Pass National Park Boards are appended hereto.