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Applications for Land. Two applications for land under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 were receiveddunng the year. The following table gives the number of applications and the area allotted for each year from the inception of the soldier-settlement scheme :

Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account. The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account was abolished by section. 6 of the Finance Act, 1937.

Total Lands acquired from the Crown by Discharged Soldiers and held at the 31st March, 1940.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Vreparation, not given ; printing (510 copies), £3 10s.

By Authority: E. Y. Paul, Government Printer. Wellington. —1940.

Price 3d. I


Applications for Land. Two applications for land under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 were received during the year. The following table gives the number of applications and the area allotted tor each year from the inception of the soldier-settlement scheme : Allotments made. Applications — Year ending received. Number. I Area (Acres). I 1 . 31st March, 1916 272 143,524 imo 513 313 103,362 oq 1,379 348 117,018 loon •• 5,041 932 403,891 qoi .. 5,396 1,087 414,867 qoo .. 878 403 97,972 ZZ . 284 146 25,113 !qol .. 216 79 16,910 ,q 2 5 123 47 9,014 of .. 109 86 20,500 {qo? .. 78 66 17,412 tqoa " .. 96 60 15,695 loon .. 90 77 13,275 qon .. 63 53 16,665 jqoV .. 41 31 8,495 oo2 •• 22 16 4,215 ■ qoo .. 12 6 4,133 193 •• 10 8 1,536 1935 " " ... 8 7 2,954 {5£ " .. 12 7 3,638 loo? 8 8 1,877 : S :: . :: j s f IS :: :: :: :: M. Totals for twenty-four years . ■ •• 15,177 4,108 1,443,344 * Includes additions to existing holdings. Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account. The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account was abolished by section 6 of the Finance Act, .1937. Total Lands acquired from the Crown by Discharged Soldiers and held at the 31st Makch, 1940. I Sale (Including Deferred Payment). Lease and License. Grand Totals. Land District. i DlSSjuged- NumbeI Discharged Num . bor . Annual of™?" N ™ ber Area soldier oI Aiea . Price. s 0 S ,, ,2? Area " B-ental. charged Ho ldine B 1 Purchasers Hol(iings . Tenants. Holdings - Soldiers. Holdings.; Licensees. I L__ Under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and Amendments. Acres £ 1 Acres. £ Acres. „ ,, . ,, , in 2 460 3 365 258 258 43,640 7,984 271. 270 46,100 iNorth Auckland .. U 12 M q m 513 513 72,753 Auckland .. 66 66 4,633 , g5 )2| 47 213 5;58l 98 12 4 47,802 Gisborne .. .. 3 d ' m %yj 78)097 2 5,360 197 217 78,097 Hawke s Bay .. •• •• '• 3 'g 30 82 79 20,788 5,469 85 84 21,194 Taranak' .. .. ' ' f 5 ' 873 723 700 165,873 75,302 739 716 166,290 Wellington M " j '- 29 2 20 20 12,916 1,492 23 23 14,132 Nelson .. •• 3 A l,-io l2 ,013 2,247 41 42 12,613 Marlborough .. .. ■■ •• 17 , 7 19 e4B 193 18 18 19,793 Westland.. '• ,0 30 1 741 15 493 350 340 215,292 35,093 380 370 217,033 Canterbury .. 30 30 1,741 10, a ! 1,45.1 104 100 183,545 «X»a" :: » > ':•» «:»'» »_ 14 '»> n 78 Totals 144 145 14,571 76,098 2,396 2,411 876,566 191,861 2,540 2,556 891 > 13 7 1 1 I Under other Acts. (This includes lands selected at ordinary ballots, leases and licenses purchased at auction, and holdings acquired by transfer or otherwise.) , , ,, , „ 19 I 17*4 1 S25 I 107 104- 24,103 3,506 1 119 116) 25,276 North Auckland .. 12 U 1,173 1, j 396 303 108,565 Auckland .. of ->- — 44 37,439 2,580 39 46 37,603 Gisborne .. •• * 1 ?g g7 39 271 8,152 75 87 39,271 Hawke's Bay .. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 134 13i 57',760 3,787 141 137 59,536 Taranaki .. .. 7 b i,//o /, 166 |(i| 58 935 34,728 169 164 59,156 Wellington .. 3 J ' 5g6 92 84 47,398 1,039 95 87 48,497 Nelson .. •• 3 3 1,09 ,, 5 2 33,004 6,073 108 95 233,004 Marlborough .. •• •; ' 168 03 59 16,158 329 64 60 16,358 Westland .. •• 19( . 2Q2 147 900 16,718 199 205 147,956 Canterbury .. A d 00 2Q() 860>57] 20 , 88 1 208 203 860,647 0 ta f° •' ' 1 127 40 70 85 79,959 2,824 71 86 80,086 Southland .. 1 1 A *' Totals -. 89 86" 27,708 35,765 1,594 1,563 1,748,247 107,978 1,683 1,649 1,775,955 Grand totals .. 233 2bT *2,279 111,863 3,974 k624,813 299.83B 4,223 4,205 2,667,092 Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (510 copies), £3 10s. By Authority: E. Y. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—1940. Price 3d. I

Sale (including Deterred Payment). Lease and License. Grand Totals. Number of Number of „ v Number VllTnh „ I Land District. NumbeI Discharged- Nu ™ ( bor Area Annual of Dts- Area . soldiei 0 l Area. Trice. soldier », .2' Area. Bental. charged Tr„|,|i nmi and 86 ' 8 Hol<iin »s. Tenants. Holdings ' Soldiers. Holdings.; Licensees. 1 L__ Under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and Amendments. Acres £ 1 Acres - i £ Acres - T . . .. , 19 12 9 460 3 365 258 258 43,640 7,984 271 270 46,100 iNorth Auckland .. U 12 -,460 3,3 Q m m 51 3 72,753 Auckland .. 06 66 4,633 , g5 )21 47>213 5;58l 98 124 47,802 Gisborne .. .. 3 d ' m %yj 78)097 2 5,360 197 217 78,097 HawkesBay .. •• •• - 82 79 20,788 5,469 85 84 21,194 Taranak' .. .. ' ' f 5 ' 873 723 700 165,873 75,302 739 716 166,290 Wellington M " l 21 q ] ' 2!)2 20 20 12,916 1,492 23 23 14,132 Nelson .. •• 3 A 1,-10 41 42 12,613 Marlborough .. .. ■■ •• 17 , 7 19 04B 193 18 18 19,793 Wetland.. '• ,n 30 1 741 15 493 350 340 215,292 35,093 380 370 217,033 Canterbury .. 30 30 1,741 10, a ! 1,451 104 100 183,545 S,„ ld " i t !;ffi !:SIS 8 ™ iq> »_» Totala 144 145 14,571 76,098 2,396 2,411 876,566 191,861 2,540 2,556 891,137 1 1 I Under other Acts. (This includes lands selected at ordinary ballots, leases and licenses purchased at auction, and holdings acquired by transfer or otherwise.) ,, , 12 12 1 173 1 325 1 107 104- 24,103 3,506] 119 116 j 25,276 North Auckland .. 1- 12 2 2 816 20 604 341 311 141?, 749 7,361 395 363 168,565 Auckland .. 54 52 — 44 37,439 2 ,580 39 46 37,603 Gisborne .. •• 2 l ?g g7 39,271 8,152 75 87 39,271 Hawke's Bay .. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ m 131 57',760 3,787 141 137 59,536 Taranaki .. •• 7 , , 16 i 58,935 34,728 169 164 59,156 Wellington .. ; ' j 099 '586 92 84 47,398 1,039 95 87 48,497 Nelson .. •• 3 3 1,09 ,, 5 233 0 04 6,073 108 95 233,004 Marlborough .. •• •; ' 168 03 59 16,158 329 64 60 16,358 Westland .. •• 19( . 2Q2 14*7900 16,718 199 205 147,956 Canterbury .. 3 t 00 2Q5 200 860>57 i 20 ,881 208 203 860,647 O ta fo •• •' * j 127 4 o 70 85 79,959 2,824 71 86 80,086 Southland .. 1 1 A *' Totals -. 89 8fT 27,708 35,765 1,594 1,563 1,748,247 .107,978 1,683 1,649 1,775,955 Grand totals .. ..JIlII-- 270 111,863 3,990 3,07412,624.813 299,839 4,223 4,205 2,667,092