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The Timaru Borough Council relinquished control of the Claremont Scenic Reserve, as it was found that the reserve was too far from the town to permit of adequate supervision. The scenic reservation over the open portion of 8 acres of the reserve was revoked, and the land made a plantation reserve and vested in the Levels County Council. The remaining 36 acres is. being administered by the Department. Condition of Reserves, etc. Reports from various sources indicate that scenic reserves throughout the Dominion are generally in good condition. The fire hazard was lighter than usual in most districts, owing to the plentiful rainfall during the summer months. A scrub fire oil private land adjacent to the Ma,nginangina Scenic Reserve, near Kaeo, occurred in February, and gave every indication of developing into serious proportions. However, prompt measures taken by the Caretaker of the Puteti State Forest wore instrumental in suppressing the outbreak, and only very minor damage was caused to the reserve. No fire damage occurred in Marlborough, where in past years the reserves, particularly in the Sounds, have suffered severely. A fire in fern country on the slopes of Mount Robert, in the Lake Rotoiti Reserve, damaged an area where the bush was regenerating. Legal proceedings are being instituted in this case as a warning to the public against the indiscriminate lighting of fires. In an Otago case a conviction was obtained against a person who permitted a fire lit on his property to penetrate into the Pounawea Scenic Reserve. In Southland proceedings were taken against some campers on a scenic reserve who were responsible for some minor damage to the bush. The sum of £390 was expended in fencing reserves and in grants to Scenic Boards for general administration and maintenance purposes. It is desired to give more attention to the protection of reserves by adequate fencing. Stock trespass is a problem in some districts, and it is proposed to make representations for some amendments to the Impounding Act to give the Department wider powers than it possesses at present to deal with trespassing stock. Reserves have been inspected by members of the field staff as often as possible during the year, and the Department has again been encouraged in its efforts to safeguard and extend the Dominion's scenic reserves by willing assistance given by other Departments, by local bodies and other organizations, and by many private citizens throughout the country. It seems clear that the public generally are becoming convinced that bush areas are a valuable asset to the Dominion. General. The usual maintenance and improvement work was again carried out on Trounson Kauri Park Reserve. A considerable area surrounding the park has been declared a fire district, and the cooperation of occupiers within the district is being sought to ensure compliance with the conditions relating to the lighting of fires within the area. It has been the practice of tourists when passing the sacred tree or " wishing " tree on Hongi's Track, between Lakes Rotoiti and Rotoehu, to place fern fronds taken from the scenic reserve along the road against the tree, thus perpetuating a custom which had a real significance and value to the Maori, but which is meaningless so far as tourists and other users of the road are concerned. A warning notice has now been placed near the tree, and the services of those engaged in conducting tourists through the drive have now been enlisted to prevent any further interference with the flora. The Cape Kidnapper Bird Sanctuary has proved more popular than ever, and each year_ sees increasing numbers of visitors. Additional water-tanks have been provided for the use of visitors. The gannets seem to be increasing and to be making more nesting-places along the cliffs. Terns are also increasing, and nesting on the rocks at Black Reef. The Pelorus Bridge Scenic Board has erected a substantial caretaker's cottage, with, provision for community and tea rooms. This should prove a most valuable public amenity, and the Board should now be able to install a permanent caretaker. At Ship Cove a landing jetty is in course of construction by the Public Works Department. Reports indicate that native bird-life in Otago is flourishing in the Catlins and Papatowai districts, where extensive areas of bush have been set aside. The Ranger on Stewart Island reports that bird-life on the island is plentiful and shows no signs of diminution as a whole. He spent as much time as possible about the reserves, and when weather conditions would not permit long journeys patrolled the bush and roads near the township in order to protect pigeons and other native birds. Future Operations. It is proposed to issue Proclamations covering extensive areas of Crown land and selected portions of State forests in the near future. However, the Department will be able to do only a very little in the way of purchasing private lands and fencing reserves, as it seems evident that the prevailing conditions will impose a more or less drastic cut in the funds available for general scenic purposes. That this should be necessary is most regrettable. Reflection prompts the remark that it is also perhaps rather a striking commentary on the comparative values assigned to various spheres of endeavour. Appendices. The appendices to this report are listed hereunder : — A. Schedule of reserves made and reservations revoked during the year, together with a statement of expenditure. B. An account of the work carried out on Kapiti Island.