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B.—1 [FT. TV], Sup. TO 1938.

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT —continued. Income and Expenditure Account —continued. Primary Edvmtion —continued. Expenditure—continued. Income —continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. . £ s. d. Brought forward .. 2,465,655 18 6 Brought forward .. .. 2,700,687 18 2 School Journal — Head Office administration . . 50 0 0 Salaries .. .. •. 550 0 0 Printing and despatch . . 3, 540 6 4 Postage .. .. .. 1,294 16 5 Rent of offices .. .. 68 18 2 Telephone .. .. .. 9 5 0 Sundries .. .. .. 15 16 9 5,529 2 8 Grants to free kindergartens .. •• 6,134 1 8 Hot meals for sub-normal children .. .. 25 0 0 Preparation of school text-books .. .. 250 0 7 Postage .. .. . • • • • • 295 2 8 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 1,454 8 5 Interest on capital .. .. 220,027 12 8 Postage on school assignments during infantileparalysis epidemic .. .. • • 1,246 1 6 Miscellaneous .. .. • • • • 70 9 6 j £2,700,687 18 2 £2,700,687 18 2-Post-primary Education. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Head Office administration charges .. 8,784 2 7 High schools £, s. d. £ s. d. Salaries of teachers and instructors — £ s. d. Pupils fees .. .. .. 1,250 19 6 Secondary schools .. .. 279,791 010 Endowment income applied to Technical schools .. .. 206,010 16 6 payment of teachers' salaries Combined schools .. .. 43,748 12 I and maintenance of buildings 37,299 7 9^ District high schools .. .. 81,029 9 6 38,550 / 3 610,579 18 11 Technical and combined schools— Grants to Boards for general Pupils'fees .. .. .. 9,648 0 0 purposes Endowment income applied to Secondary schools .. .. 40,968 1 6 payment of incidentals and Technical schools .. .. 47,240 16 6 maintenance of buildings .. 2,989 19 2 Combined schools .. .. 12,720 0 0 - 12,637 19 2 District high schools (part of Recoveries from Boards of payments made by grant to Education Boards for Department for repairs to buildings .. .. 1,059 22 general purposes, £907; part of Rent of school buildings and sites .. .. 152 13 4 grant to Education Boards for Recoveries from Fire Insurance Fund .. .. 180 10 2 School Committee incidentals, Amount due for work to be completed .. .. 848 0 0 £3,885) .. .. .. 4,792 0 0 Teachers'appeal fees .. .. .. .. 3 3 0 105,720 18 0 Correspondence School (Secondary Department): Grant to Marlborough High School Tuition fees .. .. .. .. 207 4 6 Board (Marlborough High School Balance, carried to General Income and Expenditure Act, 1899) .. .. •• •• 400 0 0 Account .. .. .. .. .. 875,822 3 9 Maintenance of buildings (including cost of improvements to schoolgrounds) — Secondary schools .. .. 17,711 17 9 Technical schools .. .. 6,391 II 8 Combined schools .. .. 347 19 2 District high schools (proportion for secondary departments) .. 4,125 0 0 , 28,576 8 7 Rents of buildings for classes — Secondary schools .. .. 151 10 0 Technical schools .. .. 829 12 8 981 2 8 Rebuilding of schools destroyed by fire .. . • • ■ • • 2 7 10 | Due for work to be completed .. .. 848 0 0 Alterations to buildings to dimmish danger from earthquake .. .. 2,151 14 4 j Grading and registration of teachers — Head Office Administration charges .. . . •. 90 0 0 Portion of Inspectors' salaries .. 395 0 0 Expenses of appeals .. .. 165 0 0 650 0 0 Inspection— Salaries of Inspectors .. 5, 487 3 1 Less part charged to grading of teachers, £395; less part charged to Head Office administration, £776 19s. lid. 1,171 19 II 4,315 3 2 Travelling-expenses .. .. 1,254 19 II 5,570 3 1 Carried forward .. •• 764,264 16 Oi Carried forward .. .. 929,461 3 4