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B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1938.

ARMY DEPARTMENT —continued. Territorial Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1938.

Cadet Forces Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1938.


Northern Central Southern Tntoi District. District. District. X>j-. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Pay: Military, Civil, and Territorial .. .. .. 23,868 7 10 23,655 16 10 27,489 18 9 75,014 3 5 Clothing, stores, and ammunition .. .. .. 13,994 17 4 12,039 19 3 15,982 2 2 42,016 18 9 Medical fees, attention, and hospital charges, and compen- 548 7 8 110 3 11 534 1 10 1,192 13 5 sation for sickness and accidents j Advertising, office expenses, printing, stationery, postages, ! 1,806 19 4 1,026 18 6 1,319 11 4 4,213 9 2 telegrams, telephones, repairs, cleaning, laundering, engraving trophies, &c. Hire and maintenance of drill-halls, offices, buildings, parade- 591 6 8 797 1 3 639 10 9 2,027 18 8 grounds, rifle-ranges, camps, launches, &c. Rations, forage, fuel, light, and water .. .. .. 3,214 3 6 4,161 16 11 4,707 4 9 12,083 5 2 Subsidies to officers'clubs .. .. •• 112 10 0 62 10 0 125 0 0 300 0 0 Horses, hire and maintenance of .. . . 395 5 0 620 13 9 238 1 0 1, 253 19 9 Prizes for rifle-shooting .. •• •• 132 19 6 56 2 1 70 10 0 259 11 7 Grants towards maintenance of Regiments and bands .. 598 6 8 638 6 8 673 6 8 1,910 0 0 Travelling allowances and expenses, rail, steamer, motor, 7,079 10 0 7,112 3 3 8,581 5 2 22,772 18 5 and ferry fares, freights, cartage, and motor licenses Stores lost, broken, destroyed, &c., and written off .. 101 16 5 123 10 9 111 3 7 336 10 9 Pay and other expenses incidental to Special Reservists .. 2,592 5 7 2,588 10 7 2,827 9 4 8,008 5 .6 Schools of Instruction, expenses in connection with .. 3,016 6 11 1,930 8 3 1,674 18 11 6,621 14 1 Funeral expenses .. •• •• •• 30 12 0 .. 83 3 6 113 15 6 58,143 14 5 54,924 2 0 65,057 7 9 178,125 4 2 £ s. d. £ . s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.. Balance brought down .. .. •• •• 58,143 14 5 54,924 2 0 65,057 7 9 178,125 4 2 Interest on capital V174 H Ji 5,885 5 4,814 U 16,174 10 7 63,618 8 11 60,809 6 5 69,871 19 5 194,299 14 9 Q r £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance carried down _58 ,143 14 5 54,924 2 0 65,057 7 9 178,125 4 2 58,143 14 5 54,924 2 0 65,057 7 9 178,125 4 2 Excess of expenditure over income after charging interest on 63,618 8 11 60,809 6 5 69,871 19 5 194,299 14 9 capltal 63,618 8 11 60,809 6 5 69,871 19 5 194,299 14 9 Cost per head of Territorials — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Exclusive of Headquarters administrative expenses and 20 8 0 18 14 8 20 10 6 19 18 0 interest on capital f . Including Headquarters administrative expenses .. 26 16 2 23 17 4 24 9 5 24 19 8

Northern Central Southern T . fa , District. District. District. j) r £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Pay: Military, Civil, and Territorial .. .. •• 3,709 9 10 6,429 11 5 7,663 4 9 17,802 6 0 Clothing, stores, and ammunition .. .. •• 1,825 6 4 1,917 18 10 1,663 4 7 5,406 9 9 Medical fees, attention, and hospital charges .. .. ■ • 0 4 6 0 12 8 0 17 2 Advertising, office expenses, printing, and stationery, postage, 98 3 7 114 1 2 151 14 8 363 19 5 telegrams, telephones, repairs, cleaning, laundering, engraving trophies, &c. Hire and maintenance of drill-halls, offices, buildings, parade- 69 18 8 204 4 8 2b 7 4 300 10 8 grounds, rifle ranges, camps, launches, &c. Rations, forage, fuel, light, and water .. . ■ • • 68 19 5 375 1 10 313 17 o 757 18 8 Subsidies to officers'clubs 62 10 0 62 10 0 125 0 0 250 0 0 Horses, hire and maintenance of .. •• •• 4 15 10 A 10 0 .. 8 5 10 Prizes for rifle-shooting and entry fees for Empire Competition 53 1 8 61 17 1 72 16 9 187 15 6 Travelling allowances and expenses, rail, steamer, tram, 569 13 3 795 10 5 558 15 2 1,923 18 10 motor, and ferry fares, freights, cartage, and motor licenses lnln o ikit icion Stores lost, broken, destroyed, &c., and written off .. 19 19 8 lo 1 7 lb 18 0 ol 19 3 6,481 18 3 9,979 11 6 10,592 11 4 27,054 1 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought down .. ■■ •• •• 6,481 18 3 9,979 11 6 10,592 11 4 27,054 1 1 Interest on ctpital _ 980 2 8 1.257 14 0 1,666 6 2 3,904 2 10 7,462 0 11 11,237 5 6 12,258 17 6 30,958 3 11 n r £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance carried down 6,481 18 3 9,979 11 b 10,592 11 4 27,054 1 1 6,481 18 3 9,979 11 6 10,592 11 4 27,054 1 1 Excess of expenditure over income after charging interest on 7,462 0 11 11,237 5 6 12,258 17 6 30,958 3 11 CapltaI 7,462 0 11 11,237 5 6 12,258 17 6 30,958 3 11 Cost per head of Senior Cadets — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Exclusive of Headquarters administrative expenses and 170 222 1145 1146 interest on capital Including Headquarters administrative expenses .. 7 15 2 | 7 4 10 5 13 4 6 16 2