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B.—l [PT. IV].

TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1939. Expenditure Income. General administration- £ b. d. £ s. d. Fees under Transport Licensing Act, £ s. d £ s. d. Advertising, books, newspapers . . 170 2 1 1931 .. •• ■■ , Office cleaning .. .. 100 10 4 Less refnnds 243 " ° 34,685 11 7 S n U ,l r L e tir BeS ■' " Fees under Motor-vehicles Act, 1924 .. 101 17 0 42 16 7 Balance 46,581 17 2 Departmental library .. 5 113 Furniture and fittings .. 249 15 7 Mechanical offiee appliances .. 68 15 3 Fuel, light, power, and water . . 116 17 9 Maintenance of mechanical office appliances .. • • • • 24 4 6 National Safety Council expenses 21 15 10 Overtime and meal allowances .. 59 14 11 Postages and telegrams . . 923 17 1 Printing and stationery • • 1,100 2 0 Rent of offices 1,382 2 10 Road transport compensation: Tribunal expenses .. • ■ 140 1 6 Salaries .. •• •• 16,349 1 0 Telephone services . • • • 469 010 Travelling-expenses .. •• 293 19 4 Bad debts written off .. • • 25 17 6 Cost of transfer of District Office, Wellington, to Civic Chambers 19 11 1 Alterations and repairs to offices 77 1 1 21,661 19 6 Expenses of Licensing Authorities — Advertising .. • • • ■ 491 7 7 Depreciation: Motor-cars . ■ 193 4 0 Travelling-allowances .. • • 487 17 0 Car-running expenses .. .. 412 6 7 Expenses of Conference .. 35 5 9 Salaries .. • • • • 2,400 0 0 Services of Registrar of Motorvehicles .. • • •• 373 10 9 Travelling-allowances — Secretaries . . • ■ • ■ 257 11 9 Inspection of accounts .. 1,076 4 9 r 5,727 8 2 Vehicle-inspection — Car-running expenses .. •• 2,263 12 10 Depreciation— Motor-cars .. • • ■ • 660 2 3 Brake-testing machines .. 17 12 8 Ramp . • • • • • 2 15 9 Equipment .. ■ • • • 83 19 5 Salaries ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ 7,894 10 7 Services of Public Works Department .. •■ •■ 305 14 0 Telephone services .. ■ ■ 101 15 8 Travelling-expenses . • 999 11 5 Cardamage 64 ° 12,393 18 7 Traffic Inspection— Car-running expenses .. .. 9. 684 9 4 Depreciation — Motor-cars .. •• 2,664 9 7 Loadometers ■ ■ ■ • '37 13 0 First-aid equipment .. . • 5 11 6 Loud-speaker equipment . . 2 5 10 Sirens • • • ■ ■ ■ 22 ] 2 Fees for courses of instruction . ..5 4 6 Maintenance of equipment .. 138 10 5 Printing and stationery 110 10 1 Purchase of other equipment . . 198 4 4 Salaries .. •• •• ® Telephone services .. • • 1,085 18 10 Translation fees and witnesses' expenses .. • • • • ® ® Travelling-expenses .. •• 2,267 4 4 Uniforms • • • • • ■ '1® Car damage . . • • • • 15 0 0 Expenses consequent on death of Traffic Inspector .. • • 96 8 5 Assistance to local bodies .. 1717 8 — 33,068 17 8 Civil engineering— Accident statistics . • • ■ 300 0 0 Printing and stationery . . 16 1 1 Salaries .. ■■ •• l.ll® f ® Travelling-expenses .. • ■ 120 5 7 Depreciation ° " 1>656 211 Safety education and propaganda — General education and propaganda 5,677 11 7 Travelling-expenses .. • ■ 234 810 Salaries •• •• 1,049 18 6 Salaries .. 6 961 18 n £81,369 5 9 £81,369 5 9 £ s. d. £ s - d. t. , .. 46,581 17 2 Recovery of expenditure, 1937-38 .. .. 268 4 10 Balance ■ ■ • • • • '' -t> 7 . » Balance ■ • • • 46,840 13 6 Interest on capital .. ■ • • • • • 5J7 1 " balance .. .. £47,108 18 4 £47,108 18 4