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B.—l [PT. IV],

STATE FIRE INSURANCE OFFlCE—continued. Revenue Account of the Accident Branch of the State Fire Insurance Office for the Year ended 31st December, 1938. £ s. d. £ s. cl. Premiums after deduction of reinsurances .. 202,279 10 0 Free-year bonus on personal accident policies .. 327 1 5 £ s. d. Claims .. .. .. .. .. 140,806 1 1 Interest .. ~ .. 18,082 4 5 Commission .. . • •• 7,179 0 3 Less land and income tax .. 0,066 2 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 18,699 16 5 — 12,016 1 11 Contribution to Public Service Superannuation Profit on realization of securities .. .. 485 18 7 Fund .. . . .. .. . • 194 3 7 Expenses of maoiagement .. ... . .. 6,920 14 3 Further appropriation to reserve for unearned premiums .. .. .. .. 31,649 6 3 205,776 3 3 Further appropriation to Investment Fluctuation Reserve .. .. .. . ■ .. 9,000 0 0 Amount of Accident Funds, 31st December, 1938 5 7 3 £214,781 10 6 £214,781 10 6 Balance-sheet of the Accident Branch of the State Fire Insurance Office as on the 31st December, 1938. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d.. Accident funds, as per Revenue Account. .. 5 7 3 Government securities .. .. .. 212,515 0 0 Outstanding accident claims .. •• •• 102,510 0 0 Local-authority securities .. .. .. 214,480 18 11 Government taxes .. .. •• •• 6,341 0 0 Rural Advances bonds .. .. .. 4,725 0 0 Commission . • • • • ■ • • 1 > 503 0 1 Property under agreement for sale and purchase 3,980 0 0 Premiums and other deposits .. 1,049 0 0 Fixed deposits and at short call .. .. 32,620 0 0 Sundry creditors .. •• 155 0 0 Interest accrued but not due .. .. .. 4,147 16 10 Reinsurance premiums due .. •• •• 524 15 3 Agents'balances .. .. . • • • 10,855 611 Officers' Fidelity Fund .. .. • • 500 0 0 Sundry debtors, including Motor-vehicles InsurReserve for unearned premiums .. .. 105,508 19 9 ance (Third-party Risks) Act pool .. .. 80,619 0 1 Investment Fluctuation Reserve .. .. 50,000 0 0 Cash in hand on current account .. .. 20,873 17 4 Reinsurance Reserve .. •• •• 40,000 0 0 Bad Debts Reserve .. .. . ■ • - 1 >000 0 0 Reserve Fund constituted under section 6 of the Government Accident Insurance Amendment Act, 1924 275,719 17 9 £584,817 0 1 £584,817 0 1 J. H. Jerram, General Manager. L. H. Osborn, Deputy General Manager. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. — J. H. Fowler, Controller and Auditor-General. TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st January, 1939. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance 31st January, 1938 .. .. .. 834,465 9 6 Retiring and other allowances .. .. 329,098 18 11 Contributions of members .. .. .. 145,633 14 7 Contributions refunded— £ s. d. Contributions transferred from other funds .. 291 9 4 On voluntary retirement .. 34,217 211 Additional contribution from Fiji Government in On death of members .. 5,35117 4 respect to teachers in Fiji schools .. .. 305 17 1 On lapse of membership .. 817 15 0 Government subsidy— £ s. d. —- 40,386 15 3 Under section 9 Finance Act Rebate of contributions under National Expendi(No. 2), 1937 ' .. .. 123,000 0 0 ture Adjustment Act, 1932, section 9 (2) to Under section 9, Finance Act, annuitants .. .. .. .. 318 8 6 1938 .. .. 113,000 0 0 Contributions transferred to other funds .. 1,060 1 3 Under the Act, section 112 .. 82,416 13 4* Administration expenses— £ s. d. Under the Act, section 114 . . 4,934 710 Commission, G.P.O. .. 637 9 6 On account of reduction of Commission, Public Trustee .. 1,148 18 10 interest during year ended Clerical assistance .. «. 900 0 0 31st March, 1938, under Postage and telegrams .. 100 0 0 National Expenditure Ad- Office expenses .. .. 105 13 4 justment Act, 1932 .. 6,324 0 0 Travelling-expenses of Board 329,675 1 2 members .. .. 73 17 1 Interest— Medical fees .. .. 28 7 " On investments .. .. 41,105 13 3 Audit fees .. .. 50 0 0 On contributions in arrpars 774 6 3 — " 3,044 5 9 — Reserves for— 41,879 19 6 Losses on investments .. 2,000 0 0 Less investments written Actuarial Examination, 1939 300 0 0 down (proportion of — 2 premium on purchase Balance at 31st January, 1939 .. • • 975,734: 17 o of investments) .. 308 4 3 41,571 15 3 £1,351,943 6 11 £1,351,943 6 11 * This amount includes £39,4.16 13s. 4d. received in 1937-38, and previously shown as paid in advance. COST-OF-LIVING BONUS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st JANUARY, 1939. £ s. d. £ s. d. Refund from Consolidated Fund .. .. 1,675 4 3 Balance due from Consolidated Fund, January, 1938 260 710 Balance due from Consolidated Fund, 31st January, Payment of bonus .. .. .. .. 1,547 19 3 1939 .. • • • • • • • • 133 2 10 £1,808 7 1 £1,808 7 1