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The arrival and departure of sporting representatives was marked by Government in the form of official receptions at Parliament House. Under this heading came the Indian Hockey Team ; the English Women's Hockey Team ; Australian Badminton Team ; New Zealand Ladies' Basketball Team ; New Zealand Secondary Schools Association Football Team; Sir Julien Cahn's English Cricket Team. The Department arranged the exhibition of the coronation robes and regalia. During the twelve weeks' tour of New Zealand, eighteen cities arid towns were visited, and the exhibits were shown before approximately 400,000 people. Thanks are due to local authorities, who co-operated wholeheartedly with the Department and generally assisted in carrying out the Government's policy of entertaining distinguished visitors, and also to the various organizations concerned with naval visitors for their willing efforts in making the stay of the officers and men as pleasant as possible. XVI. RAFFLES AND ART-UNIONS. Six hundred and eighty-six licenses under authority of section 42 of the Gaming Act, 1908, were issued during the year. Of these, 381 were for works of art, 296 for small amounts of alluvial gold, and 9 for alluvial gold to the value of £5,000 each The following table shows the results of the £5,000 gold art-unions

Of the net profits, £45,000 was distributed to the various mayoral or other recognized central funds established in the relief of distress, making a total of £325,000 made available for this purpose during recent years, and the balance allocated to charitable and philanthropic organizations, including children's homes and orphanges. XVII. FIRE BRIGADES ACT, 1926. No new Fire Boards were constituted during the year. The number of Fire Boards operating still remains at fifty-five. The annual report of the Inspector of Fire Brigades will be published as a separate statement as in previous years, and that report is a comprehensive review of'the existing position regarding the control of fire-fighting activities. XVIII. CHARTERED CLUBS. The number of chartered clubs still stands at forty-six, no fresh charter having been issued since the year 1908. Several applications were received from various institutions whose objects are of a social character, but is was decided that no increase should be made to the existing number of clubs. Reports furnished by Inspectors of Chartered Clubs throughout New Zealand indicate that all clubs are being conducted in a proper manner and that they are fulfilling all the conditions upon which their charters were granted. XIX. MAORI ANTIQUITIES ACT, 1908. Ten warrants were granted authorizing the export of genuine Maori antiquities made according to ancient Maori methods. Five of these permits were granted to museums in New Zealand for the purpose of exchanging Maori ethnological specimens which are of the common type for other material from museums in other parts of the world. The other five permits were granted to private individuals. XX. PASSPORTS. With the international situation at present it is essential more than ever before, for all overseas travellers (except for Australia) to possess a valid passport. During the year 5,010 new passports were granted, as compared with 4,765 last year and with 4,457 for the year ended 31st March, 1937. Renewals for varying periods were, granted to 563 passports as compared with 620 last year and 681 for the year ended 31st March, 1937. Passport visas to facilitate landing in other portions of the British Commonwealth were granted to 59 alien passport-holders leaving New Zealand.


License No. and Name. Gross Sales. omT y| l S j^ on on Expenses. Prizes. Net Proceeds. Lottery Duty. ! Net Profit. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 70. Stroke of Luck .. 21,284 17 6 3,192 14 8 2,939 4 10 5,000 10,152,18 0 2,128 9 9 8,024 8 3 71. Golden Gift .. 19,576 12 6 2,936 9 11 2,923 19 8 5,000 8,716 2 11 1,957 13 3 6,758 9 8 72. My Luck's In .. 18,917 5 0 2,837 11 9 2.940 4 4 5,000 8,139 8 11 1,891 14 6 6,247 14 5 73. My Opportunity .. 18,620 0 0 2,793 0 0 2,918 0 0 5,000 7,909 0 0 1,862 0 0 6,047 0 0 74. My Lucky Dream .. 18,804 15 0 2,820 14 3 2,945 15 5 5,000 8,038 5 4 1,880 9 6 6,157 15 10 75. Happy Lays .. 17,712 0 0 2,656 16 0 2,915 19 7 5,000 7,139 4 5 1,771 4 0 5,368 0 5 76. It's on the Cards .. 24,206 17 6 3,631 0 8 2,915 9 3 5,000 12,660 7 7 2,420 13 9 10,239 13 10 77. New Year Luck .. 23,039 0 0 3,455 17 0 2,927 15 10 5,000 11,655 7 2 2,303 18 0 9,351 9 2 78. Pleasant Surprise .. 19,947 17 6 2,992 3 .8 2,938 16 .8 5,000 9,016 17 2 1,994 15 9 7,022 1 5 Totals .. .. 182,109 5 0 27,316 7 11 26,365 5 7 45,000 83,427 11 6 18,210 18 6 65,216 13 0