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People in New Zealand, have no opportunities of seeing the original works of old masters, and with its limited funds it is not possible for the gallery to purchase originals. The excellent reproductions now obtainable give a very true representation of the original paintings, and they therefore will be of great interest and educational value. Centennial Art Exhibition. The Committee felt that it was desirable that a special effort should be made to organize an outstanding exhibition to be shown in the Gallery at the time of the Centennial celebrations. Mrs. M. Murray Fuller has been sent to England and the Continent of Europe as the official representative of the Board of Trustees for the purpose of collecting and bringing back to New Zealand an international collection of contemporary art. Most of the pictures will be for sale, but a few loan pictures of special interest will be obtained also. Mrs. Murray Fuller has had wide experience in organizing exhibitions of British contemporary art, and the Committee feels confident that she will obtain a collection worthy of the occasion. The Exhibition will be opened in November and will remain on view for six months. The New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts is organizing an exhibition of New Zealand art to be shown at the same time. Press. The Committee desires to record its thanks and appreciation to the press for the support and publicity given through its columns in connection with' exhibitions and other activities. Acquisitions. The Committee has no endowment available at present for purchasing pictures. The Gallery will benefit later on from the Sir Harold Beauchamp Endowment Fund (now £12,521 13s. 3d.), the interest on which will be available for the purchase of pictures when it accumulates to £15,000; the "Ellen Eames Collection Fund," estimated to realize at least £20,000; and the Thomas Lindsay Buick Bequest, estimated to realize over £10,000. During the year, however, chiefly through the generosity of public-spirited citizens, a number of interesting works were added to the National Collection. The following is a list of the pictures acquired : — " Sir Truby King " (drawing), by George Finey. Presented by Pat Lawlor, Esq. Collection of French fans. Presented by Mrs. and Mr. Ernest Makower, London. " A Heavy Sea at Moeraki " (oil painting), by George Butler. Presented by Mrs. F. M. Seaton in memory of her husband. Two landscapes (water-colour), by Margaret O. Stoddart and a seascape (water-colour), by Nugent Welch bequeathed by the late Thomas Lindsay Buick. " Deserted Mine, Cornish Coast," by Eleanor Hughes. Presented by Miss M. Truby King on behalf of the late Sir Truby King. " Portrait of Major-General Sir Andrew Russell, K.C.8., K.C.M.G., General Officer commanding the New Zealand Forces in the Great War," by Archibald F.* Nicoll. Presented by the New Zealand Returned Soldiers' Association. " On the Banks of the Serpentine " and " Old Arbrouth," pastels by James W. Herald. Presented by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reich. " Across the Straits " (water-colour), by T. A. McCormack ; " Charlie " (oil painting), by A. H. O'Keeffe ; " Autumn, Christchurch," by A. Elizabeth Kelly ; " Les Angles, South of France " (water-colour), by James Cook. Purchased for the National Collection by the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts with funds granted by the Board of Governors of the Thomas George Macarthy Trust. " Girl in an Orchard " (oil painting), by James Nairn. Presented by an anonymous donor. " Portrait of Her Majesty Queen Mary " (oil painting), by Simon Elwes. Presented by a committee on behalf of the women of New Zealand, who subscribed towards the purchase of the portrait. " Portrait of Sir Joseph Ward," by W. A. Bowring. Presented by a number of Members of Parliament and friends. A number of pictures offered as gifts were declined as not reaching the standard required for a National Collection. The thanks of the Trustees and of the public are due to the donors for their generous and publicspirited gifts. E. D. Gore, Secretary to the Committee. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DOMINION MUSEUM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1939. Committee Meetings. Eight meetings of the Committee were held during the year. Staff. In the botany department Miss V. Norman resigned atid Miss S. Donne was transferred to the Veterinary Laboratory, Wallaceville, while Miss K. Pickmere and Miss P. Self were appointed temporary botanical assistants. Mr. H. Allen was appointed temporary joiner's assistant.