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COMMITTEES OF MANAGEMENT. National Art Gallery. Mr. D. A. Ewen (Chairman), Sir George A. Troup, Mrs. Murray Fuller, Messrs. A. D. Carbery, T. D. H. Hall, C. M. Turrell, Stanley W. Fearn, Nugent Welch, W. S. Wauchop (Wellington), and Sydney L. Thompson (Christchurch). Secretary : Mr. E. D. Gore. Dominion Museum. Sir George Shirtcliffe (Chairman), Messrs. D. J. McGowan, J. C. Andersen, G. V. Hudson, N. T. Lambourne, Dr. J. Rankine Brown, Professor H. B. Kirk, Dr. P. Marshall, and Professor W. P. Evans. Director : Dr. W. R. B. Oliver. Wellington War Memorial Carillon. Lieut.-Colonel A. Cowles (Chairman), Messrs. E. C. Hale, J. H. Hallewell, Robert Johnson, and E. E. Muir. Secretary : Mr. J. G. Osborne. Sub-committees. Building and Finance. Sir George Shirtcliffe (Chairman), Sir George A. Troup, Messrs. D. A. Ewen, Stanley W. Fearn, J. W. Heenan, T. C. A. Hislop, and D. J. McGowan. National Art Gallery. Sculpture.—Messrs. J. M. Ellis, F. H. Shurrock, and Richard Gross. Graphic Arts.—Messrs. L. T. Watkins (Convener), Walter Blundell, and H. H. Tombs. Architectural.—Messrs. W. H. Gummer, Stanley W. Fearn, and William Page. Educational.—Messrs. T. D. H. Hall (Convener), A. D. Carbery, and Sir George Troup. Finance.—Sir George Troup (Convener), Messrs. D. A. Ewen and T. D. H. Hall. Hanging.—Mrs. Murray Fuller (Convener), Messrs. Nugent Welch and A. D. Carbery. Purchase of Reproductions.—Mrs. Murray Fuller, Messrs. Nugent Welch, A. D. Carbery, and T. D. H. Hall. Museum. Advisory.—Professor H. B. Kirk and Mr. J. C. Andersen. Educational.—Mr. N. T. Lambourne, Dr. J. Rankine Brown, and Professor H. B. Kirk.

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1939. The Board met on five occasions daring the year, and the Building and Finance Committee held five meetings. Obituary. Death of Sir Harold Beauchamp.—'The Board sustained a severe loss in the death on sth October, 1938, of Sir Harold Beauchamp, who had been a member since the inauguration of the Board. In addition to rendering personal support since the proposal to establish a National Art Gallery was first mooted, Sir Harold Beauchamp made generous financial contributions, both during his lifetime and under his will, by providing a fund for the purchase of pictures for the National Art Gallery, the total of which would ultimately reach £20,000, and by contributing £5,000 to the Building Fund. He also donated a bell in the War Memorial Carillon in memory of his son, Lieutenant Leslie Heron Beauchamp, who was killed in the Great War. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees held on 9th November, 1938, the following resolution was passed : — " That the Trustees of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum in meeting assembled desire to place on record their sense of the great loss that has been sustained not only by this Board, but by the community generally, in the passing away of their late esteemed colleague and friend, Sir Harold Beauchamp, whose benefactions to the National Art Gallery will be of lasting benefit to that institution. As a colleague of the Trustees his advice was always practical and helpful, and his place at the Board table would be indeed hard to fill. Also, that the Trustees extend their sincere sympathy with Lady Beauchamp in her bereavement." Changes in Personnel. Board of Trustees. —Sir Apirana Ngata was appointed to the Board by the Government as representing the Native race, for a term of seven years from Ist September, 1938. Councillor Thomas Forsyth was appointed to the Board as from 26th May, 1938, as second representative of the Wellington City Council, vice ex-Councillor H. A. Huggins. The Board placed on record its appreciation of the valuable services rendered by Mr. Huggins during his period of membership of the Board. Treasurer.—Mr. F. B. Dwyer resigned the position of Treasurer owing to his transfer to England to take up a position with the Imperial Defence Department. The Board expressed its appreciation of the efficient services rendered by Mr. Dwyer during his term of office. Mr, J, R, Deal, Accountant of the Internal Affairs Department, succeeds Mr, Dwyer as Treasurer.