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The general conduct of the probationers, with the exception of 1, has been good, and all have greatly appreciated the leniency and advice given them by the Courts. "Those released during the year appear to have made good. The amount of restitution collected during the year was £30 19s. I wish to record my appreciation of the courteous treatment and helpful advice which has been extended to me by the local Magistrate, and to thank the Court officials, police and the District Employment Officer for their assistance. Mr. H. Robinson, Probation Officer, Wanganui. I submit my annual report on the working of the probation system for the year ended 31st December, 1938. Offenders Probation Act. —At the commencement of the year the number on the register was 22, new admissions 18, transferred from other districts 8, making- a total of 48; transferred to other districts 12, completed probation 11, sent to prison for breaches of probation 4, leaving 21 on the register on 31st December, 1938. Crimes Amendment Act.—There were 14 on the register at the commencement of the year, received during year 14, making a total of 28; discharged 5, transferred 4, recommitted 3, and absconded 2, leaving 14 on the register at the end of the year. Moneys recovered during the year were: Costs of prosecution, £29 125.; restitution, £45 lis. 4d.: total, £75 3s. 4d. The conduct of the probationers, on the whole, has been satisfactory. I am very pleased to state that all the probationers are in employment and are making an effort to rehabilitate themselves in the community.

STATISTICS. OFFENDERS PROBATION ACT, 1920. Ages and Terms of Probation of the Offenders admitted to Probation during the Year, 1938.

Summary of Cases dealt with during the Year 1938. Admitted Deferred , , to Probation. Sentence. iota. Number reporting on Ist January, 1938 .. 1,030 213 1,243 Admitted to probation during the year .. 715 199 914 Totals .. .. .. .. 1,745 412 2,157 Completed probation during the year .. .. 548 210 758 Deceased .. .. .. .. .. 5 2 7 Discharged by Prison Board .. .. 17 5 22 Left the Dominion .. .. .. 10 .. 10 Absconded and not traced (term expired) 10 4 14 Resentenced on the original charge .. 29 8 37 Committed further offences .. .. .. 21 3 24 Totals .. .. .. .. 640 232 872 Number reporting on 31st December, 1938 .. 1,105 180 1,285 Breaches of Conditions of Release committed during 1938. Failed to report, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 80 Committed further offences .. .. .. .. .. .. 104 Absconded (still untraced) .. .. .. .. .. 24 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 208


a • -*7 ,,One Eighteen Two Three Four Five ; m , , Age, in Yeais. Yoar - Months. Years. Years. Years. Years, j Tota1 ' I I Under 20 years of age ..11 68 4 76 26 1 .. 186 20 and under 25 18 87 9 91 31 1 .. 237 25 „ 30 .. 6 46 2 37 9 .. 100 30 40 .. 8 54 5 35 7 j .. .. 109 40 50 .. 3 17 2 24 3 .. .. 49 50 „ 60 1 11 1 10 1 .. .. 24 60 and over .. .. .. 6 .. 2 2 .. ..'10 Totals .. 47 289 ! 23 275 j 79 2 .. 715 I III;