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Revenue and Expenditure. A comparative statement of revenue and expenditure covering a period of ten years is given hereunder :— 1

The position disclosed above from both gross and net expenditure aspects is an improvement for the year ended 31st March, 1939. Whilst the credits for the year are lower than for the previous years they have not declined to the same extent as has gross expenditure, the result being that the net expenditure position is definitely improved. In last year's report mention was made of the fact that there had been a large increase in the item " Farm Expenditure," because of the payment during March of the amounts for autumn live-stock and fertilizer purchases instead of their being paid, as is usual, in April. There was in consequence a reduction under this heading in the net expenditure for this year. The daily average number of inmates for the year under review, as already mentioned, showed little variation from that of the previous year, hence it was to be expected that the net expenditure would be about the same for the two years. Actually, however, it was considerably lower for the year 1938-39 for the reason that, notwithstanding the revenue was down by £4,000, the net expenditure was nearly £8,000 less. The decrease in revenue was accounted for mainly by a reduction of £2,000 under the heading " Farms and Gardens," which decrease was due largely to the generally lower level of prices received for farm-products rather than by any diminution in farming output. In addition, there was a reduction of approximately £3,400 in revenue for roadworks. This was due to the fact that a portion of the roadworks previously carried out by prison labour is now undertaken by the Public Works Department. Health of Prisoners. The health of prisoners has been uniformly good throughout the year. The daily average on the sick-list was 10-82, which represents 1-2 per cent, of the daily average in custody. This is an average of two per day less than were laid up with sickness last year. There were 53 admissions to public hospital, and there were no deaths in prison during the year. The Medical Officers, in addition to undertaking the care of the sick, examine all prisoners before transfer from the city prisons to the farms and camps. Where it is considered that a mental examination would assist in the treatment of a prisoner this is arranged through the Mental Hospitals Department, which. Department's specialists co-operate in a most helpful manner. Three prisoners were transferred to mental hospitals under section 4 of the Mental Defectives Act; 4 were transferred for special observation under section 37 ; and 16 were transferred after sentence under the provisions of section 38. Conclusion. It is desired to place on record the Department's appreciation of the generous assistance given by a large body of voluntary workers who visit the institutions and who undertake the after-care and placement of discharged prisoners, and also to express gratitude for the sympathetic co-operation and help given by the clergymen and missioners of the Various religious denominations, the officers of the Salvation Army, and others, who have regularly visited the institutions to minister to the spiritual well-being of prisoners. Special mention must be made of the valuable assistance given by the Women's Borstal Association, the Young Men's Borstal Association, Visiting Committees, the Prisoners' Aid Societies, and the Justices' Association. I also wish to record my appreciation of the zealous and loyal service rendered by the staff of the Department. B. L. Dallard, Controller-General of Prisons.


Daily Gross Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. , 7 Average ear " Number of Inmates. Total. I Per Head. Total. Per Head. : Total. Per Head. I I £ £ £ £ £ £ 1929-30 .. .. 1,425 172,248 120-83 83,806 58-87 88,442 62-04 t930-31 .. .. 1,525 171,382 112-36 70,669 46-33 100,713 66-03 1931-32 .. .. 1,641 152,581 92-93 55,867 34-03 96,714 58-90 1932-33 .. .. 1,661 142,940 86-04 52,412 31-84 90,528 54-49 1933-34 .. .. 1,488 138,193 92-88 54,823 36-77 83,370 56-11 1934-35 .. .. 1,306 137,484 105-25 60,242 46-12 77,242 59-13 1935-36 .. .. 1,170 144,460 123-47 69,933 59-77 74,527 63-70 1936-37 .. .. 985 146,314 148-54 68,661 69-70 77,653 78-83 1937-38 .. 852 164,132 192-64 69,075 81-07 95,057 111-56 1938-39 .. .. 855 152,093 177-89 64,910 75-92 87,183 101-97