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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Hon. the Minister op Justice to His Excellency the Governor-General. Wellington, 11th August, 1939. 1 have the honour to submit to Your Excellency the report on the prisons and Borstals of the Dominion for the year 1938-39. I have, &c., H. G. R. Mason, Minister of Justice.

The Controller-General op Prisons to the Hon. the Minister op Justice. Sir, — I have the honour to present the annual report of the Prisons Department for the financial year ended 31st March, 1939, and the criminal statistics for the calendar year ending 31st December, 1938, together with reports from the controlling officers of the various institutions administered by the Department. These reports outline in detail the numerous activities carried on at the several institutions. Prison Statistics. The daily average number of prisoners in custody during 1938 (870) varied but slightly from the number for the previous year (866), which was the lowest figure for the Dominion on record. The aggregate number of receptions during 1938 was 4,328, or 225 more than were received during 1937. The aggregate of receptions included 792 inter-institutional transfers besides offenders admitted more than once during the year. The number of distinct persons received was 2,224, as compared with 1,991 for the previous year. Receptions. The following table sets out in comparative form the total receptions, the number of distinct persons received, and the daily average for several years past. The inter-institutional transfers have been eliminated from the figures shown in the total receptions column : —

I—H. 20.

Year. Total Receptions. m ' Ratio to 10,000. Daily Average. 1938 .. .. .. 3,536 2,224 13-84 870 1937 .. .. .. 3,213 1,991 12-52 860 1936 .. .. .. 2,980 1,790 11-36 1,005 1935 .. .. .. 3,409 2,158 13-76 1,212 1934 .. .. .. 3,816 2,376 15-33 1,360 1933 .. .. .. 4,157 2,731 17-75 1,543 J 932 .. .. .. 5,198 3,401 22-29 1,669