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Table ll.—Local Authorities' Section. The benefits payable from the Fund are as follows:— I. On retirement after attaining age sixty-five (men) or age sixty (women), or after completion of forty years' service and fifteen years' membership of the Fund— (i) A pension calculated at the rate of one-sixtieth of final salary (excluding increases in salary granted within three years of retiring) for each year of service, with a limit of forty-sixtieths and subject to a maximum of £300 per annum; (ii) Or a refund of all contributions paid, including the local authority's contributions, less benefits received. Where the conditions of service are such that earlier retirement is advisable, age sixty is adopted as normal retiring-age for men and fifty-five for women. In the latter case an employee may retire after completing thirty years' service and fifteen years' membership of the Fund. 11. On earlier retirement through ill health a pension as in I. 111. On death whether before or after retiring:— (i) Leaving neither Widow nor Children. —A refund of all contributions paid, including local authority's contributions, less benefits received. (ii) Leaving a Widow.—An allowance of £18 per annum during widowhood or a refund of contributions as in (i). (iii) Leaving Children. —An allowance of ss. per week on account of each child under the age of fourteen years. Where no widow's benefit has accrued a refund of all contributions paid, including the local authority's contributions, less benefits received, is granted when the youngest child attains fourteen years of age. IY. On voluntary withdrawal or on dismissal from the service of the local authority both employee and local authority receive a refund of contributions, provided that — (i) If the employee enters the service of another local authority which contributes to the Fund on behalf of its employees he may secure continuity of service for pension purposes by electing not to receive a refund of his contributions. In this event the local authority's contributions also are not refunded. (ii) If the employee is dismissed within five years of normal retiringage bis and the local authority's contributions on his behalf may be transferred to the Main Fund for his benefit.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (055 copies), £8 10s.

Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 939.

Price 6d.]