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reasonably requiring the premises for his own occupation as a dwellinghouse, unless the Court is satisfied that suitable alternative accommodation is available for the tenant or will be available when the order takes effect; also that the Court shall not make an order where the premises are reasonably required by the landlord for his own occupation as a dwellinghouse or for occupation as a dwellinghouse by any person in the regular employment of the landlord unless it is satisfied that alternative accommodation is available as above or the hardship caused to the landlord or any other person by the refusal of the Court to make an order for possession or ejectment would exceed the hardship caused to the tenant by the making of such an order. The Court also has discretionary power to suspend any proceedings for as long as it thinks fit, with or without imposing conditions. The right of the landlord to distrain for rent is also restricted. The Inspector of Factories is empowered to act on behalf of any tenant in proceedings under the Act, and the following table indicates the extent to which tenants have availed themselves of the services of the Department's Inspectors : —-

The total number of applications for the previous year was 6,381. The Department investigated twelve alleged breaches of section 15 of the Act, which imposes certain restrictions on the letting or selling of a dwellinghousc where the landlord has recovered possession on the grounds that the premises are required for his own occupation. Proceedings were taken in four instances, convictions being obtained in two cases, and penalties amounting to £6 were imposed. In the remaining cases it was considered that the circumstances did not justify proceedings. It might be mentioned that the above table does not fully indicate the extent of the work involved on the part of the Department's officers in the administration of the legislation. In numerous cases helpful advice is given to both landlords and tenants and in this way disputes between them are often avoided. It is particularly noticeable that a knowledge of the restrictions imposed by the Act is becoming more general, and landlords, before taking any action, inquire as to the position with the result that the Department in many cases is able to avoid Court proceedings. Statutes Amendment Act, 1938. Section 19 provides that it shall be deemed to be a condition of the tenancy of any dwellinghouse to which the Fair Rents Act, 1936, applies that the tenant shall afford to the landlord access thereto and all reasonable facilities for executing therein any repairs which the landlord is entitled to execute. FOOTWEAR REGULATION ACT. During the year 393 establishments and 1,240 shipments were inspected under this Act, the latter in pursuance of the arrangement made with the Customs Department, whereby all imported footwear is examined in the Customs shed before release. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT. The regulations under the Act provide for the reverification of weights, measures, and weighing and measuring instruments in use for trade purposes. The articles verified or reverified during the year are summarized hereunder Submitted. Incorrect. Weights .. .. •• •• •• •• 39,198 6,371 Measures .. .. • • • • • • • • 3,933 193 Weighing-instruments .. .. •• •• 25,547 3,684 Measuring-instruments .. .. .. • • 8,390 1, 658 77,068 11,906 There were also submitted for verification 853,720 bottles, milk, cream, or oil. In addition to the reverification work referred to, the Department has carried out surprise tests of appliances on the owner's premises, the net-weight and standard-weight provisions of the regulations also receiving attention. There were thirty prosecutions for various breaches under this Act, convictions being obtained in all cases, and fines amounting to £36 10s. being imposed. Verification fees earned totalled £10,437 9s. 9d. (previous year £9,761 ss. lid.).


Agreement under Cases where Fixation of Fair Rent involved and Inspector Tenant renresented Section 21. appeared in Court on behalf of Tenant. by j nsp ector in I ! ! T Ti m I» ~k 7t 7t Eviction Proceedings. Total Owner s Application. Tenant s Application. *Other *OtAp. ~ Rent reduced ~~ ~ " ( '" se8 - Inspector. I™™'- Ee'ZS Section 13. Section 14. herea to. Rent Auckland.. .. 2,028 1,087 38 11 75 10 15 .. 201 33 558 Wellington .. 1,421 333 9 41 13 9 5 1 202 32 776 Ohristchurch ..851 378 2 4 40 2 8 17 11 389 Dunedin .. .. 225 56 2 2 1 .. . . 1 25 4 134 Other Towns .. 1,205 511 30 33 31 6 44 32 58 15 5,730 2,365 81 91 160 25 66 42 503 95 2,302 •These cases where the Inspector considered that the rent already heing .paid was justified, or applications which were withdrawn as a result of the tenant vacating the premises, or for other reasons.