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STATEMENT showing the ISSUES from the PUBLIC WORKS FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1939, compared with the Sums voted under the Appropriation Act, 1938.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1938-1 939.


B.—l [Pt. If.

(Under Section 86 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926.) ; ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ T ~ j ! CREDITS-IN-AID Credits-in-aid © I AMOUNT VOTED. AMOUNT I ISSUED CREDITS-IN-AID RECEIVED IN ESTIM^ D BUT 3 i . xr Expenditure. TTmssmTm in excess Estimated.* Excess of not h 1 Account and Vote. credits-in-aid ~ Unissued. in estimate. t received. S ANNUAL VOTE. TOTAL VOTED. > 1 | — * ~ * GENERAL Purposes ACCOUNT. £ s - d - n d „ lfi £ S I OH <>82 16 6 246,085 0 0 85,266 8 lit V, :: iSS o I 2 tS i °o o °o t «m«uio ' .. 38 Railways Improvements and Additions to Open 2,933,604 3 3 2,653,040 10 2 280,563 13 1 .. 203,500 0 0 .. 113,895 16 9 8 SMte :: :: :: *3® 5 \ Kg » » %% »» fR 8 ! HI Si " S JI 5 ° J ! a gSSSKfSarKSl :: :: , J« lsl ' S j j , j j , <&*,« j {'? :: m .» S 2 n , W1 ° ' 8 :: :: :: "*# 2 J := i«S feg \ 'g ; S •• S« J J 16 '' 02 .° 9 « 45 Lands, Miscellaneous 187,000 0 0 106,959 0 6 293,959 0 6 241,935 13 o 52,023 24 48o'l9 11 122,440 0 0 .. 3,187 9 11 46 Irrigation, Water-supply, and Drainage .. 0 0 " 10 1 259,252 10 1 g 4 ' 10,500 0 0 9,106 16 2 47 Swamp Land Drainage .. .. .. 9 9 0 0 504.' 000 0 0 526397 7 5 22,397 7 5 164,000 0 0 17,713 4 1| 8 :: 375!000 { 2 KS 0 I S'.S 0 0 1 jellfos 10 3 .. 21M03 10 3 575,000 0 0 97,408 2 7 t Services not provided for .. £571 10 8 Less amounts recovered or transferred to votes .. 496 16 6 74 14 2 .. Totals 10.279.000 0 0 1,863,156 17 2 12,142,156 17 2 11,341,920 13 2' 1,166,575 12 3 366,264 14 1 2,205,335 0 0 309,951 15 5 342,178 2 10 50 Dev,lop^^S^ C •• 1,556,000 0 0 24,000 0 0 1,580,000 0 0 1,364,594 10 4 24,000 ° ° ? except crt* V °1 Exee^''credits' Act, 1926: Vote No. 36, £85,266 8s. lid.; No. 48, £17,713 4S. Id.; No. 49, £97,408 2s. 7d.