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7. MASSEY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Members of Board of Governors. Chairman. —Professor T. A. Hunter (resigned 13th April, 1938); A. Morton, Esq. (appointed Kith June, 1938), Vice-Chairman. —A. E. Mansf'ord, Esq. Treasurer. —P. Levi, Esq., M.A. Members.—Q. Grey Campbell, Esq. ; R. A. Candy, Esq.; Norton Francis, Esq., C.M.G.; M. H. Oram, Esq., M.A., L.LB., (appointed 11th August, 1938); H. B. Stuckey, Esq. ; T. U. Wells, Esq., M.A. Staff. Professor G. S. Peren, Croix de Guerre, B.S.A. (Toronto), (Principal). Professors. —Field Husbandry and Sheep Management—G. S. Peren. Dairying—W. Riddct, B.Sc., Glasgow, N.D.A. (Hons.), N.D.D. (Hons.). Lecturers, 10. Assistant lecturers, &e., 8. Registrar.— C. C. Yates. REPORT (EXTRACTS). I have the honour to present the annual report of the Massey Agricultural College for the year 1938. Enrolment of Students.—The number of students enrolled Was 383, constituting a record, the previous highest'enrolment being 265 in 1934. The enrolment in each course was as follows : Degree, 32 ; sheep-farming (two-year course), 39 ; Dairy-farming (two-year course), Dairy Diploma, 71 ; Wool-classing, 20 ; Special, 2 ; Herd-testing 50 ; Short course in sheep-farming, 22 ; Short course in dairy-farming, 20 ; City milk course, 51 ; Refresher course for teachers, 42 ; Domestic-science course, 30. New Courses. —The following courses were offered for the first time : Short course in dairy farming City milk course, Refresher course for teachers, Domestic-science course. Scholarships.—A student of this College was successful in winning both the University awards iu agriculture —the Senior Scholarship and the Sir Jas. Wilson Prize. Past Students.—Mr. C. P. McMeekan, Assistant Lecturer in Dairying at the College, was awarded the Degree of Ph.D. by the University of Cambridge. Research. Good progress has been made with the various research projects. Grants have been made available for certain of the work by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, and staff has been seconded by both the Research Department and the Department of Agriculture. The work in hand is as follows : — The Inheritance of Wool Characters: Dr. Dry and Mr. J. A. Sutherland (research student). Fleece-testing : Mr. Waters and assistants. The Causes of Sterility in Rams : Mr. Webster, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Hutchinson. (With the aid of grants received from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, the New Zealand Meat Producers' Board, and the New Zealand Romney Marsh Sheep Breeders' Association.) The Root Development of Grasses under Different Systems of Manuring and Management: Mr. W. A. Jacques and Mr. R. E. Rose. (With the aid of a grant received from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.) The Economics of the Intensive Rotational Grazing of Sheep : Professor Peren, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Hewitt. The Inheritance of Length in Bacon Pigs : Professor Riddet. (With the aid of grants received from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the New Zealand Meat Producers' Board.) Parasitic Worms of Sheep : Mr. J. H. Tetley. Farm Forestry : Dr. Yeates. Methods of Mole Drainage : Mr. A. VV. Hudson and Mr. G. Hopewell. (With the aid of a grant received from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.) Property.—During the year the College leased a hill country property of 1,050 acres situated eight miles from the main property. Its acquisition should be of very material benefit to our farming and teaching activities. Provision of Additional Accommodation and Equipment. —A grant ol £17,300 was approved by the Government for the provision of certain teaching-accommodation, extensions to the stall quarters in the refectory building, and farm buildings and equipment. To the end of the year, however a sum of £500 only had been made available for the more urgent works. An application was also made for a grant to cover the cost of a new dormitory building, but was declined. The lack ol this additional hostef accommodation is viewed with concern by my Board, and it is hoped that a grant will be made available in the coming year for this purpose.