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State of Income and Expenditure. Salaries Expenditure. £ s . d. Income , £ d Saianes 28,375 811 Government grants .. .. 8 W (i d Library books 1,012 4 5 Kent of reserves .. .. " q' 620 4 Q Office expenses 585 12 10 Students'fees .. " ,o'Von * " Endowment expenses 403 15 0 National endowment .. .. " 3 631 16 9 Iransfer: Workers Educational Association .. 250 0 0 Donations .. " " ' » „ 116 10 7 Testing fees .. .. 40 16 s General expenses 4,400 17 3 Examination fees .. 128 1 6 Astronomical observatory .. .. .. 25 0 0 Sundries .. " " ns 18 9 RoUeston House expenses 2,600 7 1 Transfers— " £ s a Z Helen Connon Hall expenses 2,613 10 2 Medical School .. 1 176 610 Investments: Premium written off .. .. 21 0 0 Administration .. .1'967 0 0 epreciation Museum, Library, and School of CoUege- £ B . d . Technical Science .. .. 25 0 0 Equipment and apparatus .. 248 8 0 Furniture and fittings .. .. 352 0 0 RoUeston House: Boarding fees .. 2 584 15 11 Office equipment .. .. 19 4 0 Helen Oonnon Hall: Boarding fees .. " 3 268 14 5 Rolleston House— ~ 019 12 0 Capital: Transfer of Balance '657 11 4 Buildings .. .. .. 258 15 0 Furniture .. .. .. 56 6 0 Utensils .. .. ~ 39 4 0 354 5 0 Helen Connon Hall— Buildings .. . . .. 297 8 0 Furniture .. .. .. 121 0 0 Utensils .. .. .. 36 16 0 455 4 0 £41,833 7 3 £41,833 7 3 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1938. Liabilities AsseUi £ g „ . . £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowment lands .. . 904. 6Q7 10 « ft ww" -nw--, • .471,831 11 8 Arthur's Pass— ..-94,697 19 5 Flus War Memorial Window Fund 933 0 11 Si+o S ", '■ •• ■■ ■■ 50 0 0 1 J3 uncling .. , , # iqn i»» o Plus Government subsidies .. ' 903 ll 10 j cXge-j ' g> 4 5315 3 T . , 4 5 Buildings :: :: "ne 42514 8 25,282 17 8 Less income and expenditure .. 657 11 4 Plus additions .. 2 238 5 3 473,010 13 1 " ' , ls cao ,o ii Donations not applied 290 0 0 Equipment and apparatus .. 2 484 1 0 Sundry creditors 981 610 Less depreciation .. .. 248 8 0 Hold on account of Mrs. Flynn.. .. .. 116 1 4 Rolleston House — " ,iSg!S£Zr. :: :: :: 8S ? 2 Hden (x)nn°n Hall— Furniture and fittings.. .. 3 526 2 5 "' M,> 18 10 Mortgage: Public Trustee 5,100 0 0 Less depreciation .. . '352 0 0 r ees paid m advance .. . . . , 60 8 2 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 2150 q 17 . Z TW. Adams School of Forestry : Capital .. 5,50115 1 Plus purchases, 1938 217 7 1 Student's Loan Fund— £ s. d. 41 ' ' 1 ° a pius l interest " " ] "°1 10 1 Office furniture and equipment.. 192 6 7 3 ' 391 9 ° interest .. .. 32 10 4 Less depreciation .. 19 4 0 Mis io i Dr. A. F. J. Mickle Students' Loan Fund: Capital 1,339 14 3 g 7 ft i a j i £ s. d. Pl us purchases, 1938 20 '! I General Account overdrawn .. 2,565 10 1 Less T. W. Adams £ s. d. Librarv books „ 5 8 Schoo l of Forestry 479 10 7 Sundry debtors- 3,350 0 0 Fund 612 15 1 Re , ntS 3,580 3 1 Less Dr.' Mickle Less™ bad and doubtful Students Loan ' 1 Fund .. ..679 14 3 Testing fees .. .. .. ITTe 2,717 16 11 1,771 19 11 Employment schemes 84 13 l 793 10 2 , , , 98 16 7 Investments .. .. 2 ld.l n n Rolieston House— " " ' U I 1 *® . •• ■■ •• 6,775 0 0 Buildings .. .. 5,175 12 7 Less depreciation . . . . 258 15 0 „ .. 4,916 .17 7 I< urmture .. .. .. 563 9 4 Less depreciation . . . . 56 6 0 507 3 4 Plus purchases, 1938 .. 45 5 4 552 8 8