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The ages at which pupils commenced their post-primary course at public post-primary schools are given in the following table :-

Table N.-Ages at which Pupils commence Post-primary Course.

In 1937 21 per cent, and in 1938 20 per cent, of those commencing a postprimary course did so under the age of thirteen years. i 5. DESTINATION OF PUPILS LEAVING SCHOOL. A summary of the destination returns obtained from the schools, through the various Boards, is given in the following tables :—

Table O1.-Probable Destination of Pupils leaving Public Primary Schools during or at End of Year 1938.


Age at which Post-primary Course commenced. '^KT 1 Post-primary Type of School. ™£* 12 Years. 13 Years. jjjjgE Boys. Girls. Boys. I Girls. Boys. | Girls. Boys. Girh. BoyfcJGfcto. 97 so 5nl 709 1280 1411 708 528 197 120 2,725 2,820 Secondary .. 27 52 513 J™ 1 '^ 1 19g ]03 50 30 646 505 Combined .. J 1 97 119 126 2,897 2,103 Technical ... U 1J »9 3 f/'g 71 280 104 79 1,305 1,380 District high ■• 13 I* 236 348 bto joy n() 263 Correspondence .. 3 6 29 W ■ S_zjg? :: T IS S 3 3 ;^ 3 sS jS Dia.,«»=« .. -a +2 -I" + 52 + 228 + 183 + 93 + 6 28 +1 +m +m

Totals. With Primary Without Primary School Certificate. School Certificate. Destination. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Number. cen t* ge . Number - centlge. &£S3#r. .! •• 6,607 6,586 171 119 6,778 64 6,705 67 Commercial occupations— 6 5 29 * 35 1 (a) Clerical (including typing) .. 23 30 b (6) Shop and warehouse assistants 327 212 UW Trades— 48 . 142 1 ■ ■ • • (a) Engineering .. •• J* ■ ■• g g() 1 6 WBuildmg 6 • 5Q 309 3 136 ! (c) Other .. •• •• g 6 B7 ! B60 15 i 06 1 Agricultural and pastoral 814 « 2?3 212 53? g 473 g Other occupations .. ■■ *>* 226 g33 413 4 2>m 21 Home .. ■• 67 ' 49 105 87 172 2 136 1 Not known .. •• •• "' . j 1Q oo 8 6 22 8 523 1,914 1,483 10,536 100 10,006 100 KS;S :: :: l:SSi i>? i , ,^^.. 10 ' 636 10 ° 10 ' 053 _^ Difference ., •' • -29 -44 -7J -8 -100 • • -*7 ■■ * Insignificant percentage.