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" Tracks. —-Your Committee continue to feel that one of the most important functions of the Board is the construction of an abundance of good tracks of easy grade and properly maintained. These contribute greatly to the popularizing of the park and will continue to be sources of attraction to the general public. As the newly appointed Ranger has had much experience in this class of work, it is intended to open up a considerable number of new tracks and at the same time to improve the state of existing ones : — " (1) Lake Kaurapataka : The track from the Taramakau River bed up the Pfeiffer Stream, which drains the lake, was put through last autumn. Relevant signposts now make the approach unmistakable to visitors. Arrangements have been made to cut several lookouts so that this beautiful sheet of water may be the better viewed by the tramper. The formed track ends at the Otahehe Valley, by which route the return journey may be made to the Taramakau. " (2) Edwards River: A year ago Mr. R. Scott blazed a track up this tributary of the Mingha, thereby giving readier access to a beautiful series of mountain and valley scenes. The Ranger has visited the district, and intends improving and extending this line of approach. " (3) Upper Waimakariri: Instructions have been given to improve a difficult portion of this track near its upper end. This will open up an easier way to that wealth of fine alpine scenery lying in the vicinity of the Carrington Hut. " (4) McGrath's Creek to Upper Bealey : This is a track recently cut out by the Ranger, opening up some interesting new views and forming a pleasing alternative approach to Margaret's Tarn and the Bealey Glacier. " (5) Barrack Creek to Goat Hill: An old abandoned Public Works Department track has been traversed and suggestions made for deviations and other improvements. It is hoped to have the work carried out very soon, as at present there is no easy line of ascent to Goat Hill. " Carroll Memorial Hut.—This hut was officially opened on 20th November, 1938, and Mr. G. Flower, representing the Board members, suitably expressed their sentiments on the occasion. The hut will be not only of great benefit to mountaineers in general, but will prove a centre of alpine activities for the youth of the country. "A brass tablet, appropriately inscribed, was placed in the hut to the memory of the late Patrick Carroll, whose energy and enthusiasm so largely contributed to the success of the undertaking. " Fire Precautions. —The ever-present fear of destruction of bush by fire prompted your Committee to enlist volunteer fire teams at both Otira and Arthur Pass. It is pleasing to report that there has been no lack of offers for the work, which will greatly facilitate the fighting of fires, should such unfortunately occur. " Guide Poles. —Several dozen of these, conspicuously coloured, have been erected at requisite points on several ranges. " Fireplaces. —Three reinforced-concrete fireplaces of the two-way type have been installed at Otira and Arthur Pass. It is probable that more will later on be placed in other localities, and they will prevent most of the promiscuous lighting of " billy " fires. " Hall. —The hall has been entirely renovated, and painted both within and without. This building, centrally situated and now furnished as the Ranger's office, has become a useful centre of management at the park."

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (720 copies), £10.

Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 939.

Price 6d. ]