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" Observes that, as regards Austria— " The First Committee finds that the German Government's letter to the Secretary-General of 18th March, 1938, is not a notice of withdrawal from the League of Nations within the meaning of Article 1, paragraph 3, of the Covenant. " The obligation to pay contributions during two_ years is simply the consequence of the fact that a notice of withdrawal from the League under the above-mentioned provision leaves the State which gives such notice with the rights and obligations of a member of the League during a period of two years. " Notes that, while the majority of the members of the League continue to pay their contributions with increasing regularity, a certain number still fail to remit their contributions before the end of the financial year during which they are due; " Considers that the services of the Special Committee on Contributions are still necessary, and therefore renews the term of office of the following members for a further year— " Count Carton de Wiart (Belgium) ; " Sir Frederick Phillips (United Kingdom) ; " M. C. J. Hambro (Norway) ; " M. Stefan Osusky (Czechoslovakia). " Appoints on the Committee Sir Ramaswami Mudaliar (India) in place of M. Guani, who has retired. " 6. Considering that the present scale of the allocation of the expenses of the League will cease to be in force on 31st December, 1939: " Appoints, for the purpose of examining the modifications which should be made in the present scale, a Committee composed of the representatives of the following delegations at the Fourth Committee — " Argentine, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Greece, India, Iran, Latvia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. "7. Takes note of the report of the Administrative Board of the Staff Pensions Fund for the year 1938 and of the passages relating to pensions questions in the second report of the Supervisory Commission to the 1938 Assembly; " Decides to make in the Staff Pensions Regulations the amendments submitted to it by the Supervisory Commission; " Decides that the practice of valuing the fund annually by the Consulting Actuaxy shall continue; " Takes note of the report on the fifth valuation of the fund as submitted by the fund's Consulting Actuary; "Adopts the accounts of the fund as submitted by the Auditor; " Decides that the contributions of the League to the Pensions Fund for 1939, under Article 7, paragraph (a), of the Staff Pensions Regulations, shall be 9 per cent, of the pensionable emoluments of the members of the fund. "8. Appoints as members of the Supervisory Commission for the period ending 31st December, 1941— "M. Carlos Alberto Pardo (Argentine); " M. de Boisanger (France). " For the period ending on 31st December, 1940— " M. Georges de Ottlik (Hungary). " 9. The Assembly decides as follows— "(1) Until the next ordinary session of the Assembly, the SecretaryGeneral and, as regards the International Labour Organization, the Director of the International Labour Office, acting with the approval of the Supervisory Commission, which may take all decisions by a majority vote, shall have power in their discretion to take any exceptional administrative or financial measures or decisions which appear necessary (including the amendment of Administrative or Financial Regulations), and such measures and decisions shall have the same force and effect as if they had been taken by the Assembly. "(2) The following 'Special Article' is inserted in the Pensions Regulations -