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Miner's Phthisis. (i) That superannuation at the rate of 30s. per week be paid to miners suffering from miner's phthisis, with a supplementary benefit of 10s. for the wife and 10s. for each dependent child up to age sixteen ; to supersede the present miner's pension of 255. per week. War Veterans and War Pensions. (j) That war veterans' allowances be paid at the rate of 255. per week for the veteran, plus 15s. per week for his dependent wife and ss. per week for each dependent child up to the age of sixteen years, the maximum pension to be increased from £2 15s. to £3 10s. per week. /State Superannuation. (k) That State superannuation be payable at the rate of 30s. per week on the attainment of the age of sixty years, with the qualifications set out in the present legislation ; the superannuation benefit not to be reduced so long as the income of the superannuitant, if a single person, or the joint income of a married couple (in addition to superannuation) does not exceed £1 per week ; this will supersede the existing old-age pension of 225. 6d. per week. Finance. (6) That the necessary funds should be provided by— (а) A social security contribution of Is. in the £1 on the wages and other income of all persons : (б) Continuance of the present registration fee of £1 per annum for males over twenty years of age: (c) Subsidy from the Consolidated Fund. Commencement. (7) That all benefits and services be made available and contributions be payable as from Ist April, 1939. 3. The Committee, together with the Secretariat and representatives of the Department of Health, first met on the sth April. The Rev. A. H. Nordmeyer was elected Chairman of the Committee. It was decided that individuals could express themselves in writing and the Committee would be glad to receive any representations that they may have to make, but that the Committee would then determine whether it was necessary to have such individuals present in person, and, further, that if invited to attend they come at their own expense. 4. The Committee was supplied with the evidence taken by the National Health Investigation Committee, under the chairmanship of Dr. D. C. McMillan, M.P., appointed by the Hon. P. Fraser, Minister of Health, in 1936. 5. On the 26th April the Committee decided that Wednesday, the 4th day of May, would be the last day for the hearing of evidence. This decision was announced through the press. All the evidence offering was disposed of on the last-mentioned date, with the exception of the representations of one organization whose spokesman could not be present; nevertheless, the Committee had before it a copy of the submissions. 6. Proposals or statements were received from organizations, and ninety-two persons appeared before the Committee to tender oral evidence on the submissions. In addition, statements were submitted by eighteen other organizations, but no oral evidence was taken thereon. 7. The Committee received many letters from individuals. The points raised by the writers were summarized under some forty-seven subject-matters and given careful consideration. 8. We desire to record our appreciation of the invaluable services rendered by Messrs. B. C. Ashwin, G. H. Maddex, and J. S. Reid, as members of the Secretariat, and Mr. R. S. Wogan as Secretary to the Committee. Appreciation for the able manner in which questions arising out of the health proposals were presented is extended to Dr. M. H. Watt, Messrs. A. O. Keisenberg, and C. E. Wynne, of the Department of Health. The Commissioner of Pensions and the Government Actuary have also given very valuable assistance in the compilation of data and opinions on matters placed before them. We also desire to thank those who appeared before the Committee and gave evidence.