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REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL HEALTH AND SUPERANNUATION. 19th May, 1938. INTRODUCTORY. 1. In order to have information available as early as possible for the consideration of the Committee, the following advertisement was inserted in the principal newspapers throughout the Dominion on the Ist and 2nd April:— The Select Committee set up by Parliament to examine the proposals of Government for the establishment of National Health and Superannuation Services will commence its sittings on Tuesday, the sth day of April, 1938, at Parliament Buildings, Wellington. It is particularly requested that witnesses supply twenty copies of all written statements to be placed before the Committee. Any person or organization desiring to give evidence before the Committee is requested to communicate with the undersigned. R. S. Wogan, Secretary to the Committee, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. 2. The Prime Minister on the 4th April, 1938, submitted the following memorandum : — The Chairman, National Health and Superannuation Select Committee, Wellington. Sir, — In accordance with the resolution of the House of Representatives appointing this Committee, I submit herewith for your examination the proposals of the Government to establish a National Health and Superannuation Service. Yours faithfully, (Sgd.) M. J. Savage, Prime Minister. NATIONAL HEALTH AND SUPERANNUATION PROPOSALS. I. HEALTH SERVICES. (1) The Government proposes to provide : — (а) A universal general practitioner service free to all members of the community requiring medical attention. (б) Free hospital or sanatorium treatment for all. (c) Free mental hospital care and treatment for the mentally afflicted. (d) Free medicines. (e) Free maternity treatment including the cost of maintenance in a maternity home. (2) The Government further proposes that these services should be supplemented, when the organization and finances are available, by the following additional services : —• (a) Anaesthetic. (b) Laboratory and radiology. (c) Specialist and consultant. (d) Massage and physio-therapy. (e) Transport service to and from hospital. (/) Dental benefit. (g) Optical benefit. (3) It is also proposed to institute a free home nursing and domestic help service when the necessary staff has been trained to make such a proposal practicable. (4) Complementary to the foregoing proposals, the Government contemplates an extended education campaign for the promotion of health and the prevention of disease.